
Live in iowa, i've seen this red bird with a black buzzard-like head. anyone know what it is?

by  |  earlier

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it's the size of a robin. there are two of them. they stay together and sing really pretty. thanks




  1. Some northern cardinals have certain parasites that cause the feathers on their head to fall out, giving them a buzzard-like look.

    Otherwise, possibly orchard oriole.  I would recommend searching for "bald cardinals" and orchard oriole online and see if perhaps they match you mystery birds.

  2. Tanger? Or it could be a piliated woodpecker. The singing would leave out the woodpecker. Those piliated woodpeckers sound like something from a Rain Forest. Wish I could be more help.

  3. I live in Iowa too... I am real sure i have seen the same kind of bird you have... and i have no clue what it is either... Hopefully somebody knows.

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