
Liver and beer?real answeres please verseszannax?

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does having two 12 ounce beers every night . hurt you.I have trouble sleeping and I drink two beers everynight before bed.It helps me sleep.The doctor gave me xanax but I feel safer with the two beer.which do you think is harder on the body (liver) ?




  1. Even though that is not an unhealthy amount for your liver drinking to fall asleep is not a healthy practice.  You will build up a tolerance and require more in the future and then it could be bad for your liver.  Plus being dependent on alcohol is not good.

  2. 2 beers normally is okay for you but not every day. You will become dependent on that to go to sleep before too long. Xanax isn't the answer either. Doctors like to hand out prescription pills like candy because in the long run, that will keep you coming back for treatment. Addiction is a disease of the brain and can be easily be avoided. Find an alternative that doesn't involve addictive behavior. Exercise for 30 minutes a day. But not too close to bed time. Before 3 hours before bed time. Take Valerian root, a natural herb root that calms. 450 milligram capsules 2 at a time 1 hour before bed time with some milk works for me. Warm milk has L Triptophan like turkey that will make you sleepy naturally. There are plent of methods of relaxation, breathing, ear plugs, sound machiens, s*x. Take your pick or try them all. Just don't become drug dependent. That is a Pandora's box you will regret opening. Good luck and be patient, finding the way that works may take some time.

  3. Two beers a day for the rest of your life is basically asking your body for liver failure. DON'T DO THAT.

    Some alternatives:

    - Xanax will make you feel good and put you to sleep. It's better for the body.

    - Slip to just one beer

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