Well about a year ago i was misdiagnosed for bipolar disorder. So i was on all kinds of medication ( first Prozac, then Seroquel, then i took Seroquel, Lamictal, and Ambien all at the same time for awhile ) but most of the time i just took Seroquel and Lamictal. At the time i was also addicted to drugs like marijuana and cocaine but mostly just marijuana and thats how i was misdiagnosed. So i eventually got suicidal from all these drugs and medications and overdosed twice, the first time was not a big deal i only took like a 10 seroquels which isnt much for an overdose. But the second time i took like 30 and got really messed up ( i know, i was stupid ). But this all happened about 6 months ago, and i stopped taking all the medications and drugs. Im actually very healthy now i exercise everyday and eat fairly healthy. But can the seroquel overdoses have damaged my liver severly? Sorry for the long post, just thought i should explain in detail.