
Liverpool fans (and everyone else I suppose) Do you think?

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That Man City can knock us out of the top4 (everybody else seems to think we are prime candidates because CITY bought Robinho)





  2. Not this season anyway ..why? are you worried bud

  3. City couldn't kick snow off a rope. They have no chance of getting into the top 4

  4. It's going to take City at least a couple of seasons to adjust.

    They can buy who they want, but they have to have time to gel.  Meanwhile Liverpool are improving also.  For the time being I can't see it happening.  Even with all those megabucks at their disposal.

  5. I think its a possibility for man city to get either 4th or 5th... maybe 6th... i think they will have a high finish... they did quite well last time... and i think they will beat that this time because they have got some quality players in like robhino... but its no use having a teamm with decent players... it depends whether they gel... and how quickly they do that... also if robinho gets injured... maybe they will struggle to score...?? I hope this helps!


  6. It is obviously a possibility but I doubt if it will happen this season. No matter how many good players they sign they will take time to gel. Also the jury's out on whether Mark Hughes will be able to manage a team full of mega-egos.

    DIC are still lurking around and there are rumours of a £500 million bid. Sooner or later Hicks and Gillett (scumbags) will have to take the money and run and then we will be able to compete with City, Chelsea and the rest of them on a level playing field.

    I am surprised that no-one has assassinated Parry/Moores for selling to the Yanks when the deal with DIC was on the point of being closed.

  7. Honestly i do believe we can,but that's not reflecting the true story as i came on to give my honest opinion and as people know i say it the way it is from what i see in front of me ,will City finish above Liverpool yes will liverpool finish above utd yes will Arsenal finish above chelsea no i hope you can work that out

  8. I Believe Liverpool is still a better overall team than Man City.

  9. Hey, everton nearly knocked you out of the op 4 last season so why not?

  10. If you don't pull it together then you're out for sure. Poor performances won't be tolerated anymore I suppose now that other clubs are emerging.  

  11. i don't think anyone believes City can realistically make it in to the top 4, people only choose Liverpool as the team to drop out because over the last few seasons you have proven time and time again to be the weakest performing team out of the 4 i'm not saying you have the weakest team, Arsenal do, but Arsenal always play consistently well, unlike yourselves and the fact that you have been battling with Everton for 4th spot for the last couple of seasons backs this up.

  12. honestly?

    there is no way they can do that.they think they can finish top with all the money they spend but they dont know how wrong they are

  13. One player does not make a team. If Liverpool get their defence right this season they might actually push Chelski and ManUre a bit closer to the wire. I think think City will become good, but to challenge for the top 4 it will take a bit more time.

  14. Man City knock us off the top 4?

    Be ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    They can dream on.

  15. Liverpool will be in the top 4. Other teams will try to get in and one will suceed. Not definitely Man city because one man does not make a team. Arsenal will get knocked out of the top four instead. They're too weak.

  16. I really don't understand people who say that Man City will make the top 4. Didn't they say that about SPurs when Berbatov came? Ok City have a world class player now. Arsenal have 11. Manchester United have 11, chelsea have 11, and Liverpool have 11. They will come a strong fifth maybe sixth if Robinho needs to settle. They need at least three more world class players to knock anyone off. And why Liverpool? Because they have been 4th every season. Tell you what, my money is on Arsenal getting knocked off, but not now, within the next two season. Liverpool will aim for the title this year and seeing as we are playing like sh1t3 at the moment but still getting the points I can't wait to see what we are like when we kick off (especially at the end when we do our usual routine and pull of a great run after February). So ignore the losers who like to get under your skin. Liverpool=Gerrard, Torres, Caragher, Reina, Mascherano, Keane (you'll see), Skrtel, Agger, Alonso, Babel (super sub). Man city=Robinho, SWP.

  17. YES. give me a TD, i dont care. you've been cussing United all day...

    edit: in all seriousness, i like your pic. although i think he suits a roma shirt more.. ;)

    edit2: i know he's a top bloke. beleive it or not, i admired him as a footballer years before he moved to italy! and i cant begin to tell you how glad i am now i know u wont give me an STD! lol that was pretty funny...

  18. I think city will have to wait a while before they get up there the owners are being unrealistic. Real Madrids showed a team of big names does not always bring you success  

  19. id be very surprised if they did this season.  it'll be interesting to see who city buy between now and the start of next season.  maybe then theyll have a more realistic chance of breaking into the top 4.  at arsenals expense lol

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