
Living Alone :( How do people cope with the boredom?

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I'll soon be moving to another state, all my family and friends will be 800Ks away :(

I know they will only be a click-call away and i'll meet new peeps but how do i cope with the boredom in between?

and any advice for living alone? (safety)




  1. first get to know the people that live around you! make sure you know all exists is your house. car pool to work or school if you can! and until you get to know the area don't go out much after dark! Make sure people Know who you are and find some who can be a emergency contact so just in case they need to contact your family. get a cat, dog or fish so you don't feel so lonely!

  2. i know it might sound stupid for now but video games may be a good answer.  Now more than ever games are focused on online play and interactions between people.. a good online game with a headset could make you forget all about the boredom and even loneliness if it gets to that.  Thats how i survived my freshmen year of college being hours and hours away from home.  Course the boredom part can be solved by meeting new people.. all it takes is one person to be a gateway to lots of others.

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