
Living/Working in Monterrey?

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Im 23 years old born in texas and parents are born in mexico and lived in monterrey almost all my childhood but parents decided to move back to texas again and i went to school here but never quite finished high school as for jobs without my G.E.D i somehow managed to get a job wich now i work in shipping/receiving wich i use the forklift alot 3 years now and counting i also love computers i know to use aswell building and fixing them ( self tought ) anyways i hate it here this is why i wanna move to mty as all my relatives are over there sucks beign alone in texas even with my brothers here so i ask this any suggestions as to how i make this transition living/working in mty what or where should i start and of course i still talk spanish and english very well




  1. Tough call..............Mexico is harsh and may be a little difficult for you to handle. Either the initial adjustment or after a year or 2 and realizing all the downfalls that living in Mexico has.

    Your used to American ways and lifestyle - Mexico is VERY different and not everyone can handle it. Especially when they are Americanized.

    Your family is important and you can always return to America if you grow tired of it.

    Id say do it - Its an adventure and will make you more "worldly" and better for it. Your family will love to have you and you can ALWAYS return and your family will ALWAYS understand so go for it.

    Just realize how your life will change completely before you dive in.............

  2. ok, soy de monterrey, vivo aqui,. estudié aqui y trabajo aqui... pero tambien vivi en USA.

    Mi recomendacion es que no te vengas a vivir a monterrey, mira, el nivel de sueldo que puedes manejar siendo un chavito de 23 años que apenas termino la HighSchool es MUY BAJO, no podria pasar de 6,000 pesos al MES, es decir 600 dlls al mes, vivir en un carto simple y sin cocina ni nada, rentado te saldria en minimo 2,000 pesos, mas camiones, gasolina, luz, agua... vivirias muy mal.

    si te gusta todo eso, te recomiendo que estudies, de perdido metete a un community college y haz una tecnica en reparacion de redes y computadoras, ya de ahi haces una carrera en tu pais.

    No es un pais "facil" para vivir, es un hermoso pais y la ciudad de monterrey es mejor que muchisimas ciudades americanas grandes pero tu escenario no es muy favorable para comenzar la conquista aqui.

    Incluso ni como maestro de ingles ganarias mas de 6 mil pesos.

    Espero te sirva

  3. You need to get your Mexican you will be able to legally live and work in Mexico without worrying about a visa.  you can get your ciizenship through the nearest Mexican consulate with proof that your mother was born in Mexico.  You can keep your American citizenship too, just in case you want to return to the U.S. at a later time, and so, when you have children, they can also have both citizenships.  Once you have that, you can also get a Mexican passport at the consulate.   Your  family in Monterrey  can help you get settled there.  When you get to Monterrey, you will need to register to vote to get your national I.D. need this to get a job in Mexico.  Hope thngs work out well for you.

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