
Living alone, what's that like?

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Hello all,

I'm a 23 year old guy and I'm living at my parents house right now. I'm thinking of moving out to get my own place but I have no idea what it is like to live alone and I was wondering if you helpful people could help me out by giving me a few examples!

I don't really mind being on my own and quite enjoy it in fact but it sure can be nice to be in the company of my family at times as well. I don't really hang out much with my friends but rather play sports with them and so on which means that I probably wouldn't have a lot of traffic at my place. If you've ever lived alone, how did you like it? Was it at all lonely?





  1. The best thing about living alone is that my bodily functions are not answering to anyone but me.

    Seriously though, living alone requires you to stay vigilant about your relationships with other people. You must become an outgoing soul, who invites people over frequently. My rule of thumb is to make sure family or friends come into my space at least once a week. Otherwise, you end up hibernating; always meeting people out or at their place.

    Throwing get-togethers is an easy way to get people there. NOT huge parties, just a few friends to watch a movie or play video games or whatever you like doing. Make it BYOB or potluck (as in each person brings a bag of chips and sodas.) Make it casual, keep the carpets and the bathroom clean (ONCE A WEEK). And people will love being in your space and best thing is: THEY GO HOME!

    Oh, make a rule about crashing on the sofa; no more than once week for 1 night (out-of-towners excluded.) Otherwise, you'll end up with a roommate whose not on the lease. Learn to grill; its a skill that will endear you to everyone. BTW: women love guys that cook for them.

    The worst thing about living alone: my bodily functions are in need of someone else to answer to.

  2. you have to do it. if you don't you'll get so comfortable you won't leave your parents house. then you won't have a life of your own. you can always have get togethers with freinds or go out with them or go visit family. you won't be alone you'll just be independant have your own resposibilities and have your own place.

    do it

  3. Finally! About time you moved out of home! Enjoy your immense independence!

  4. livin on ya own..

    very fun ah hahahahahahahahah!

  5. it was bliss...

  6. Since you'll be paying all your own bills you will love the freedom to do whatever you want.  Eat whenever and where ever you want. Make the bed, don't make the's great!!!! Enjoy it, you'll love it. If you feel lonely pick up the phone or invite friends over.

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