
Living at home? thoughts?

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I live at home (in PA) right now after losing my job in DC. I am working, but salaries aren't enough here to make it and rent something in the city, so I'm saving to buy. I'm 25 and unmarried. This morning my mom told me she doesn't think I am spending enough time with the family and that she often feels last priority. We got in a fight because she accused me of spending too much time on my 'social life' while 'dumping' the family. I see what she is saying, to a point, but at the same time, if I didn't live at home, she wouldn't be expecting me to do so much with the family and it's hard for me, after already living on my own, to go back to feeling like I'm in high school. What are thoughts? Am I being selfish for doing things with my friends and trying to create a life outside of my family? Is this normal for people who are trying to live at home?





  2. You are 25 years old, have lived independently and are temporarily back home. You are entitled to live your own life in the way that you choose providing it does not harm the family life which is again sheltering you.

    If you contribute fairly financially to your  keep and contribute in reasonable effort towards the family then of course you are entitled to a life of your own outside of the family.

    Maybe Mom a bit stressed just now & trying to cry out to you for some kind of help/support for her own needs rather than the family.

    Best wishes for a speedy return to your independence. UK

  3. I think it's healthy to have social relationships with friends and people close to your own age, as long as you don't forget what's important to you.

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