
Living in Australia!!?

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I live in Australia, and I don't mean to sound really bitchy or anything, but I feel as though America will always be better than Australia. When my friend (temporarily) moved to New York, I couldn't help to be jealous, and as much as I wanted to be happy for her, I couldn't help wishing I was the one that was going! Can anybody point out some good points about Australia, so I can be happy with where I am until I finish High School.




  1. If you can't see it already for yourself ... I can't see how anything  I say will make a difference.

    When I was in Yr 11 .. ( way way back sometime last century ) a school mate of mine went to Canada as an exchange student for twelve months ....

    When he came back .. all he could do was bag the little country town we lived in ...and put Au down ... He was going to go back to North America ASAP ...

    Anyway ... some twenty odd years later .. GUESS who still lives in that same country town .. he's done well for himself .. Is a CEO of a Public Heath facility... But  obviously somewhere along the line he woke up and realized that there were things that were good in our small town .. NOTHING WE said to him BACK then sunk in .. he needed to see it for himself.

    EDIT .. Oh I wish i was always right ( wouldn't be floundering down the bottom of the Tipping Comp If I was,)

  2. Watch the Michael Moore movie 'SICKO'. That alone should be enough for you to want to live in OZ.

    Only the rich own a house. Most people rent. SO over crowed! Where do you live? Sydney harbour, opera house, gold cost, beaches in Vic are some of the best in the world. I have never travelled outside OZ. It is too beautiful and so much to see. I did three week trip through the Simpson Desert. Ayers Rock. My favourite place of all is Fraser Island. That is so amazing.

    You are only in high school. Wait till you finish and go explore Oz.

    I couldn't imagine living anywhere else

  3. Actually per capita I am told Australia has a higher crime rate than the US. I went to America late last year and stayed with a mate and travelled around, I loved the country and the people that much I wanted to stay there and not come home. When I got back home it was a let down. However we have much better chocolate over here. And much higher wages. However they are offset by the fuel, rent, and grocery prices. Australia has the best scenery on the planet, NSW south coast is a magical place. Apart from the scenery and chocolate, I can't think of much else. I did see the US from a tourist point of view though. The reality may be a bit different.

  4. Jenny is right, she's always right.

  5. Where ever you are on this ball of mud is second rate in context with Uranus...

  6. Australia IS called the lucky country.. We have beautiful beaches, countryside, animals and Aussie's are great people. No offense but Yanks have a tendency to look down on us Aussies and think they are better then the world. They like to talk themselves up. ( that's probably why you think it is a better country).  Aussies are nice friendly people, US is very polluted. And the food is fatty and not fresh!! Its hard to find a healthy meal there.  And it is true about the chocolate, USA needs to import some Cadbury's. The only good thing about the USA is the shopping. I have traveled to a few countries and Australia is still the best. Why do you think so many people migrate here.

  7. One good thing about Australia is that it is not America (nor is New York - it is a different universe compared to most of the US).

  8. Australia's cool! America's many random bombings, terrorist attacks etc. and its waayy too busy...

  9. It's completely understandable that a lot of young people see America as being the most wonderful place in the world. With so many US TV shows and movies all showing only the most glamorous side of the country. it's no wonder that Australia seems boring and backward.

    The fact is though, that life for ordinary people isn't like you see on TV. They have a very high crime rate in their cities (regardless of what the five o says) and guns are everywhere in all sorts of hands and places and ordinary people like you and I are threatened by them. Compare that to Australia. Have you ever seen a handgun (except on a cop)? I have personally been held up at gunpoint twice - occe by a criminal and once by security officers when all I had done was to stop in a service road off a highway.

    New York is a very exciting city for tourists and well off people who live there but don't forget that it has twice the population of Sydney crammed into a little over half the area. People in New York still have to go to work and everything is very frantic. Their lifestyle is nothing like as laid back and relaxed as ours in Australia. In at least 80% of their states, the weather is not nearly as pleasant as Australian weather and most people don't live anywhere near a beach. Oh, and our people are far more friendly to strangers than they are in most of the US.

    Be content to finish High School then go there and spend enough time so that you really get to know the place and are not simply a tourist. Then come back to Australia and see our beautiful country with new eyes.

    EDIT: Forgot to make it clear that my gun experiences were in the US (in Massachusetts), not in Oz.
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