
Living in Italy?

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How do i find out more about living in italy? where can i go to search and apply for jobs?





  1. Very difficult get a job in Italy I left because I couldn't get one and I am italian.

  2. Actually it depends on your skills and if you can speak italian as this case you could teach english....but  i dont know how old are you i should know more details about you to give you an advise...why you just dont come here for a short holiday so you can see how things are going? My experience tell you that in italy is very difficolt to find a job and they are low payed....but you can always try....would be the ideal if you got someone here that can help you

    good luck

  3. You don't say where you are from, but if you are American and don't have a European passport it can be very hard to find jobs in Italy -- and nearly impossible to do if you are not already living here.

    In Italy you will need a "permesso di soggiorno" in order to stay in the country and you need one for the purposes of work in order to work legally. Many Americans come here without these documents and look for jobs -- many start out teaching English for meager wages -- and take the risk that they won't have any problems with the authorities. The truth is that Americans are generally left alone here -- but be illegal in a country limits your rights and makes the stress of every day living that much harder.

    Unless you are starting out with a lot of money or an insatiable desire to be living in Italy, the difficulties of this kind of life can be overwhelming. And are no quite what books like Under the Tuscan Sun have it cracked up to be. I've lived here for 10 years and while I'm happy and enjoy my life, it is not the easiest life to live.

    All that said, you don't say where you are thinking of moving or what your qualifications are. There are some English-language publications that you can check out for info about Italy. Here are a few:

    Good luck!

  4. Trying googling things like living and working in Italy- jobs in Italy- stretch the old imagination here a bit girl.
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