
Living in South Los Angeles vs. the Bronx...what's worst?

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I've lived in South Los Angeles County for 23 years of my life (I'm only 26) so I know how things are there and the type of life style one lives there. Are the Bronx any worst than South LA?




  1. I was born and raised in the Bronx. I've also lived in Los Angeles.

    I guess it really depends on where in the Bronx you're talking about. I was raised in Co-op City, which is one of the largest communities of cooperative buildings in the US. Yes... there was crime like robberies, stolen cars. But we didn't have the drug dealers out on the street corners.

    In fact, I just went back this year, and the police patrolling in that area was constant. They're extremely proactive about keeping the community safe.  Is there still crime? Of course - it's an urban area. Did I feel safe? As a 30-something year old woman with a young child in tow, I felt safe. But that's Co-op City.

    The Pelham Bay area of the Bronx is also a nice place to live. Parkchester has a good community feel to it as well.

    In other parts of the Bronx it's not so neat and tidy. But I will say that there has always been a sense of community - even in the poorest of areas. You still have families and the elderly and school teachers and government workers and artists and welders and whomever else you can think of, living in these places. Yes, they co-exist with a******s.

    But then again I currently live in one of the wealthiest parts of Philadelphia, and I worry about old men, with puppets trying to play with my daughter at the park. So a******s live everywhere.

    After living in LA in my late teens, I wouldn't say that one area is worse than the other. LA has had more gang violence, but I've also seen gang tags in the Bronx recently.

    Hope that helps.

  2. If you are moving to the Bronx, it doesn't matter if we warn you away.  You still have to move there.  SO go with a postive, upbeat attitude and you will do fine.  I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Except for the weather. /

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