
Living in Spain?

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Hi, I have moved from England to Spain and I am working for a company that is based in the UK. I am planning to stay in Spain permantly. Do I need to apply for a residency permit, will it be a problem that the company I work with resides in the UK and therefore my taxes are paid to UK govement?, and do I need to make any changes to my UK driving license. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks




  1. 1. Your company should be paying for a good Health insurance because if you don't pay social security, you will not get Spanish NHS treatment.

    If Spanish SS is being paid for you, you need to sign on with the Social Security and get on the books of your local NHS doctor. Ask at your nearest CAP. (GPs surgery).

    This is very important MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE COVERED! Your EU health card only lasts a very short time.

    2. You need to sign on at the town hall. This comes with benefits and responsibilities like the annual car tax and council tax.

    3. You need an NIE, a Foreigners ID number. The NIE used to be a useful ID card but is now just a grubby sheet of usless paper.

    4. Your UK photo driving licence works in Spain. You will have to get a Spanish one BEFORE it runs out or face a painful fine.

    5. Open a Spanish Bank account. Utility companies and the town hall use direct debits. Get a bank / credit card with your photo on it or you will be asked for ID everywhere.

    Expect to waste a lot of time visiting government offices. All I can say is that the system is a lot simpler than it used to be.

    If you do not speak Spanish, I recommend that your company pays for a Gestor to do it for you.

    Do it properly and life will be much simpler.

  2. Rose 1, Has hit the nail right on the head, I have lived in Spain for 8 years, and agree with all that she has said.

  3. Firstly - wilfredb's answer referring to a mif number is incorrect. It is an NIE number that anyone living in Spain needs. This is a foreigners identification number.

    Now if you live in Spain and are working they say you don't need a residencia any more, as you are paying taxes etc (you of course are not as yours are being paid in the UK.) Your best bet as things change almost weekly in Spain regarding bureaucracy is to find a local Spanish gestor who speaks English that can advise you on what is up to date info regarding all these things. Don't listen to anyone here including myself for that matter as we could all be wrong. I have lived in Spain 16 years and have seen many changes in the law. I have a residencia and have a Spanish driving license as driving a Spanish car and having a residencia requires you by law to have one.

    Good luck.

  4. You need to get your NIE (Numero de Identidad Extrangera) but hurry up because soon they wont be producing them anymore and it will be more complicated.

  5. you are entitled to live anywhere within the EU you are supposed to change your licence to a Spanish one after twelve months  contacting the Embassy will not be any help whatsoever you require a mif number from your local mayors office to entitle you to live and work in Spain that is the only qualification you require and whatever the person who told you to contact the embassy must be on drugs

  6. You'll find all the anwers in the following websites of the European Union. They explain everything you need about job mobily in the EU, and you can contact an advisor to help you.

  7. I agree with - translat...............

    Best thing to do is get the help of a Gestoria, get all your paperwork in order the first time then after that renewals etc., you can do yourself.

    I have been here 25 years now and married to a spanaird, the law changes so fast it can make you head spin, like  - translat - says don't listen to gossips, they  ALL did everything in a different way!!  and someays I just don't beleive!!  I have had many residencias - there is a new law now that after so many years I will not need another, but it will be replaced by some for of ID card.

    Good luck you will love being here!

  8. You should apply for a certificate of Residency at the nearest large police station, there is no problem that you work for a UK company but live in Spain. You definitely son't need to change your driving licence as long as you have the plastic photo card. What you do need to check is your health care. As you don't pay social security contributions here in Spain you are not entitled to free health care, so you need to ensure your company is paying a good private health policy. Please make sure you register at your local town hall as a resident and obtain your empadronamiento certificate, another proof of residence, which will also enable you to vote in local elections. Enjoy your new life in Spain and please don't listen to Brits in bars who have had a couple of G & T's they'll frighten the life out of you!! I have just read Rose's answer and yes she has a spanish driving licence as I have because years ago you had no choice, you have an EEC licence and you don't need to change it. If you want the royal decree I can send it to you but it's in Spanish.

  9. I should have thought that the company that you work for would have sorted all that out for you.

  10. definitely if you're planning on staying there permanently you'd need a new driver's license.  you should talk to human resources and the embassy in spain.

  11. you automatically resume residecia in Spain after 3 yrs now no need to apply as it no longer exists as you are from a country within the EU. as for your licence if your driving on an international licence then again no need to change it until your residencia. the things you need to do are apply for your NIE number which is the equivilent to the social number that tells them that your in the country and able to work legitimatley and if you want you can get the social number from the equivilent of the job centre then you are covered by the equivelent of the national health even though your taxes are paid to the UK. the only ball ache is getting your Nie as you queue  up  outside the local police station for hours and have to do it several time

  12. 1. go to the ayuntamiento (town/village government) and be registered as resident.

    2. ask them, where the "comisaria" is located and ask them for the forms to register as resident

    3. as EU citizen you don´t have problems, just waiting time at the comisaría

    4. hand in the forms, and they will tell you how long it will take untiol you receive the residentsw card

    5. no need to change the drivers license to a spanish one, if EU citizen

    6. Get a NIF (numero de identification fiscal - Tax number, identical with the NIE - number of foreign resident). You will get this number (NIE) in the comisaría.

    7. it doesn´t matter where the registered seat of your company is. working here, you are taxable here, if staying for half a year plus one day.

    8. better sell your car in your homeland and buy another one here in Spain. It saves you a lot of paperwork and waiting time.

    9. I hope this helps
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