
Living in a no man's land?

by  |  earlier

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Say you are being transported to an Island that no human has ever been. There are no animals to harm you. You will live there for the rest of your life. You are allowed to take 6 items with you other than clothes. What would those 6 items be?




  1. A good boat and plenty of fuel.

  2. A roll of line and 5 fish hooks.  Can I trade my clothes for more fish hooks?

  3. Computer.

    Servants Electronic

    My dog Electronic

    A band Electronic

    A lover Electronic

    A ship so I can get the heck off this boring island

  4. 1. A man who could bring along his well drilling rig.

    2. A saw

    3. Hammer

    4. Nails

    5. generator to run well

    6. big pot

    I'll trade my clothes for garden seeds & a large whetstone.

    I hate insects, got to have a house.  

  5. bible

    beer maker

    books (tons of books)


    weed, in case it won't grow there



  6. That generator that the other guy has

    computer (won't really need books with that)

    cooking pot


    all sorts of seeds


  7. 6 Good working genie lamps so I could make a lot more wishes !

  8. 1.  my love

    2.  our dog

    3.  your grandson

    4.  you

    5.  your hubby

    6.  all the food we need

    Then we can visit and make peach cobblers and cook and bake and have fun.  see this island has all the things you need!!! ANd we will all visit and have a blast!

  9. Six good looking women.

  10. dog





    ...and my pc...(of course it would work,silly.)

  11. Computer

    Music centre

    My collection of CD's

    Lots of books

    A cooking pot

    A generator that would run on firewood (for the computer and Music centre)

  12. I like this question!! lol

    1)  a good knife

    2)  the Bible

    3)  grain to plant so I can make bread

    4)  a good length of rope or a ball of twine

    5)  a lifetime supply of flint to make fires

    6)  a small boat so I can go out and fish

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