
Living in abbeywood, east london... nothing to do .. how do i pass time??

by Guest66982  |  earlier

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i am new here in london.. i am now in abbeywood.. i dont know many people and places... where can i go? do u know of any park near by??? or other places where i can meet people...

its already been three days and i havent got out... it has started to get really dull in here...

thanks in advence




  1. Just step outside your door and turn left or right and then keep walking.  That's what I do when I first land in a place.  I walk for miles.  It helps me get my head around where I am and helps me understand the traffic, the pedestrians, etc.  Then I go into a small local pub and start asking questions.  Locals will always help you out, and then you start answering questions about where you are from and away you go...

  2. Go to the centre of London and go celebrity spotting!

    If you spot any write to Heat magazine and get them in the Spotted column!

  3. Chat to people over the computer on MSN and try and find people in London Abbeywood

    If it would help chat to me on

    hope it helps

  4. I'd have said south-east rather than east London.

    You're not far from a railway station which can get you into Central London in about 30 minutes and down to the coast of Kent in a couple of hours.  

    If you want a local park, have a walk round Lesnes Abbey Woods (it's not just woods, its open park too) and check out the ruins of the old Abbey.

  5. It's only been three days - relax! It takes time to settle in to an area and meet new people, but it will happen.

    I don't know any parks in Abbey Wood, but you could get a bus to Greenwich Park - it's one of London's best open spaces. You could also visit Greenwich Market which is nearby.

    If you really want to start getting out and meeting people, then I think London Meet Ups might be an excellent place to start.

    There are currently about 700 groups who meet up regularly to do things they enjoy, like cycling, seeing rock bands, playing video games, going to see films, visiting art galleries, or just going to the pub! There are groups for people who are new to London, and specialist groups for people from France, Spain, the USA, etc.

    Why not join a group and go to one of their meet ups?

    Good luck and welcome to London :)

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