
Living in canada vs usa?

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Thinking about moving to canada.. whare are the pros and cons? cost of living compared to here.. ect




  1.  All of you are fools. Canada is the greatest country in the world. It is the best. Better than even bloody USA.

  2.  Then come to somali or Niger Republic or let say dafour in Sudan. many of us in these part of the world are dying to av the life you are taking for granted over there. Where there is no light, no water, no medicals etc. 

  3. yea man lot of white collar crimes in canada... the british politicians steal all the money .... they say it is tax ....  and for health insurance as*

    i moved here from asia,  it seems to be wrong move......

  4.  I moved from San Diego to Vancouver, the cost is higher, but the government programs are also better, my friends have 2 children, the gov gives them $350CAD for each child per month, just to ensure a decent living standard. I guess the only thing missing here are more drunks and fights, I really miss the good times :-)

    If you a  lay back serious person I think you will be happy here. This city is a little boring for the average party animal.


  5. Canada tax you around the 35% to 40% of you income, you can not deduct your property taxes, all products are taxed by 11% or more depending the province, gas is minum the doble then usa,
    ir you make 80,000 a year after taxes you get 43,000 the rest is taxes , GONE !!

  6. Canada sucks, don't come to Canada, we have stupid politicians that will milk you to death, people don't care about Canada and our health care is good for flue like symptoms, stay where you're, you have been warned!!

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