
Living in france,paris??

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im a singaporean student and would like to know the cost of living in france, paris.

-is it expensive to find a hostel or rent a place in paris distric 15?? ( near my school, le cordon bleu)

-how much will it cost to live in paris , average cost a month?? ( food,transport,basic stuff)

- how safe is paris in terms of security and crime rates??

- is it very important to be able to speak french??

-any advise for me when in paris/france?






  1. OK, first there is a lot to learn about living in Paris.  Feel free to contact me for more info.

    -For a student, your best bet is to find a roomate to share a place.  Contact Le Cordon Bleu for some more information or suggestions.  Paris has an area called the Cite Universite with inexpensive rooms for students.  It's in the 14eme or 13eme, not far from the 15eme.

    -Paris is an expensive city.  Not as bad as some others in Europe (London).  But there are plenty of suggestions to save money.  Shop at the local open air marchés, held 2-3 times a week in various locations.  You can get fresh fruits, vegetables and meats at great prices, plus many more things.  Don't eat out so often in restaurants or buy lots of drinks in bars/cafes.

    -Paris is a very safe city.  There are some areas to avoid, like all major cities.  You will find it less safe than Singapore, but it is still very safe, even at night.

    -Paris sees a huge number of tourists every year.  Therefore many Parisians speak a second language, although at varying levels of proficiency, with English being a major one.  You shouldn't have a lot of trouble getting around, but learning even a little French will go a long way with the locals.

  2. you definitely need to learn the language, read and speak

  3. I'm about to move to Paris too and I must say that it is HIGHLY EXTREMELY VERY important to learn French. It's like moving to China without learning how to speal (or read) the immidiatly realize how small and helpless you are. Like all cities, Paris is a vast one and has crime. But where does Crime not exisit? Simply take you precautions. Know which area are safe and know you don't walk out too late at night in certain areas (Bastille and Republique ESPECIALLY!), Know that the metro and buses are full of thieves so guard your stuff well and please, no wallets in back pockets!

    The country in concerned for living is not at all cheep. I'm living there only for a year too and as a student at La Sorbonne and my rent is going to be $1200 a month! For a small studio!!!!!!!!!!!!! Absoutly ridcioulous. But I have European Citizenship (I'm an Italian-American), and can be able to find work in Paris...though not easy. I suggest saving money two years in advance to build up enough to support yourself with the food costs for yourself and living conditions.

    Meaning....if you need only 500 dollars a month to eat and put food in your fridge, 1200 a month for better start saving NOW!!!!!!!!! It's vital

    Now you don't have to get an appartment so close to school. La Sorbonne is in the Quartier Latin and I will be living in Montemartre....for those of you familiar with Paris, that's one h**l of a distance.

    Paris has excellant train transportation which can lead you from one place to another(a.k.a Le metropolitan: Le Metro) and Metro stations are everywhere. Use them to your advantage and buy a 'carnet', a set of ten tickets, you don't have to keep buying each time you get to your station.

    ATMs are also a pain in the rear end in Paris too since most let you take 300 euros at time, so rent maybe a pain this way. However, most renters link your account to their so they can easily obtain the permissoned amount from yours.

    Also, again...APPRENEZ LA LANGUE FRANCAIS! Learn the French's vital!

    Enjoy Paris, and hope you see you there around les arrondisments!

    A' Toute l' Heure!


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