
Living in mexico vs. living in america?

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what are some of the major differences of day to day life in a small town in mexico vs. living in america.




  1. mexicans are more cheerful. if youre walking in the street almost everyone smiles at you they talk to you about any thing thats going out in their lifes.

    but what i like bout the US is that there more stuff to do. theres more parks and all that stuff. plus sports are more involved and there are more fanatics in the US (i like that)

    personally i like living in mexico more cause all of my closest frends are there

  2. Life in a small town in Mexico is  at a slower pace thani n the U.S.  people WALK almost everywhere.  They shop daily at small neighborhood stores.  People help each other.  Most people do not have all the household conveniences that most Americans have. Most homes are very simple and very small.  Families include the granparents...there is almost always an grandmother in the home to help with the children.  children do not grow up as fast as in the states, and are much closer and more devoted to their parents.  LIfe is much simpler and involves more hard work.   Of course there are middle class and wealthy Mexicans too, but most peole in small towns range from poor to extremely poor.  They find happiness in being together with their families and in simple fiestas for family celebrations.  The church is a big part of their lives. Everyone talks to everyone, most are very kind and welcome strangers into their homes.  Food is MUCh simpler...there are no frozen dinners, everything is homemade and simple and often cooked over a wood fire  in an outdoor kitchen.  Many people do not have refrigerators.

    Everyone works to help the family.

  3. I think living in the US could be very boring unless you are in New York or LA.

    Days are the same with no surprises of any kind. You can find everything but your life becomes a little bit empty without truly human relationship.

    Mexico has coppied many american customs in the way that life has become  easier and more comfortable, but the way mexicans enjoy life in every simple aspect reflects their happiness.

  4. You have greater interaction with your nieghbors, The cost of living is lower ,I could hire people to do the jobs I did  not want to do, I could buy fresh baked bread and tortillas, every day. To me it was a happier existance.

  5. One thing that is different between Mexico and America is that  Mexico is a third world country and the only place for vacation in Mexico i would go to is Cancun or Mexico City. America has ghettos but America is more far ahead of them.

  6. Hi Curvy - I have lived in both.  I lived in Nogales, Sonora for about two years and loved it.  I wish I could get a job down there and stay.  There are difficulties because sometimes there wasn't running water or electricity, but somehow the less pressured life makes up for it.

    I rented a one bedroom apartment on a hillside with a magnificent view of Nogales Sonora and Arizona for $100 a month.  The electric bill was like $25 and the water was about the same.  It was small and had cement floors and walls.  It was a little cold in winter and warm in summer.  I used to heat up water on the stove for bathing.  We'd put water in one of those big paint buckets and use a glass from Burger King to pour the water over our heads when the water wasn't on.  We would have to buy propane for the stove.  We had fans for summer and small room heaters for winter.  But, life was so simple.

    We loved to sit outside the front porch area and cook out and listen to the music blaring from some neighbors home.  There was always someone in the neighborhood having a party and no one complained about the noise, but sat outside and enjoyed the music until the wee hours of the morning.

    My son loved riding his bike up and down the hill, going to the small arcade down the street, playing stick ball with his cousins, eating koolaide pops homemade from real koolaide and put in sandwich bags in the freezer.  We always had family or friends over or visited family and friends all the time.  Sundays we went to the "tiangis" (swap meet) and ate taquitos or fresh fruit cups.  We could see two movies at the theater for about $3.50 per person.  We'd go bowling, to watch a baseball game or a bull fight.

    We ate a lot of bean burritos and didn't mind not having a lot of food.  We made due and we were happy and the pace was slower.  Everyone in the neighborhood looked out for everyone else.

    Sure there's crime, lots of it.  We could hear the gun shots when we were outside, hear the sirens.  But it's just like here.  Somehow, there you know it's happening and expect it.  

    Here, I've lived in many neighborhoods and hardly ever met any of my neighbors.  Everybody gets home and locks their door.  Lives from day in and day out just to pay bills.  Life is hurried and unrelaxed.  At least it is to me.  No one cares about each other, only about themselves and how much more they can buy or possess.

    There if you didn't have it, you didn't have it, and happiness didn't consist of the money aspect.  It was the small things that counted.  Sometimes my biggest thrill was when my husband would go out of his way and buy me some "pina empanadas" from this particular bakery or when he would sit down and play a game of dominoes or chess with my son, or his brothers got together in our front porch and played cards or the guitar and sang.  TV wasn't what kept the kids occupied, it was family.

    I don't know if that answers your question, but I hope you get an idea.

  7. I lived in Leon, Gto for 1 year about 3 years ago...Leon is not a small town, its actually the biggest city in the state of Guanajuato but most of what the other people say is still relevant here. People tend to be much more friendly, more stress free, more family oriented, bigger on religion...etc

    Everything that you would do here in the states you could do over there so I was never really homesick, and in fact I think if I could I would move back.......

    ohh and its not a cheap place to live in, I think it might be more expensive then living here

  8. Living in a small town in Mexico is just like living in a small town in the U.S. Only that in Mexico you have traditional architecture and food. Surely you were thinking about living in a small town in Mexico vs. Living in New York City. Only New York City is a better city than Mexico City for example.

  9. I had lived in Mexico when was young(17years ago).  I lived in a small town.  If plans go like I want I will be living in Mexico for 2 months next year.  Is not a fancy world like America,  even tough credit does exist in Mexico but it doesn't play a big role in Mexican life...not everybody has plasma TV's in their homes but almost everybody has a color Tv.  Most houses do have all the commodities that American homes have like bathrooms,electronic gadgets, cable,stoves and even the poorest have a cell phone(i don't know how they can afford it)  Yes people tend to be more out going and TV dinners are not popular,home made food is the dominant. ....and no Mexico IS NOT CHEAP TO live at, I think is more expensive than the USA the only differences you won't be paying credit cards...mucho $$$ almost like 1st country nothing 3rd world prices...

  10. Living close to the Mexico/California border there are few differences, except the currency, weights and measures, and the language. People are nice and  industrious and used to the expat community. Essentially, we are a small town where most Mexicans and north Americans know each other. Older people get help from neighbors and are respected. US products are widely available, if you need them, and larger supermarkets feature frozen food.

  11. Living in the USA I think is boring  and living in a Big City in Mexico is cool ! yeah You may have a lot of friends and go out every day or every weekend, in the USA well in McAllen my experiences are boring because the only thing to do is shopping.... hahaha well What ever!


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