
Living in south korea

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My husband is stationed in south korea. He says that we can stay in an appartment over there and our bha will be transfered to osha. Other people have told me that if we go over there we will loose all of our housing money. And if so, what if we pay for the move ourselves and just go? I just dont want him in trouble.




  1. You will have to pay to move yourself, but you will get OHA once here in Korea and you have gotten a SOFA stamp. I know this because my wife is with me right now, and she is not on my orders. The only thing is that you will not get COLA, but the military has to pay for dependent housing wherever they are in the world.  

  2. if you go over Non Command sponsored, it will be entirely out of pocket and they CAN refuse to give him OHA.    Also you will not have SOFA status:  Tricare standard only, no access to base housing and limited access to the rest of the base.  

  3. you are going to have to be on his orders for him to get the bah and to get cola for you in korea....if he doesnt have orders with you on them and he is allowed to live husband did the year he went there werent any dorms for his rank on can live with him in the apartment he just wont get cola for you being in country....ask him..he should be able to tell you if you are on his orders
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