
Living in spain or portugal?

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i want to sell up and live for good in either spain or portugal(been there many times before).if i buy a static home to i need a visa to live in spain or portugal for good and do i need one to buy a static home.i am from england.




  1. portugal of course

  2. I have just come back from Portugal today and there is a place called Camping Albufeira why not give that a try, it is open all year round and many Brits live there.

    There is a few caravans for sale at the moment.

  3. If you're British, you don't need a visa to live and work anywhere else in the EU, but you do need to organise a residency permit. I suggest contacting the embassy or consulates of either country and asking them directly what you need to do, and what documents you would need to bring with you.

  4. Im from portugal but in spain there minimum wage is much higher. Alote of peopl i know from portugal are gong to spain to work and people in my familys  area valenca all go to spain to do there shopping because its cheaper.

  5. come to Greece!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS BETTER

  6. Aw i used to live at camping albufeira.. i loved it, i would choose Portugal over Spain any day of the week!!! (sorry to the Spanish) but its just the lovliest place i have ever lived ...and i have lived in lots of countries.. and when i first went their ..camping Albufeira was my home for a few months.. good luck and enjoy.. the Portuguese are GREAT!!!! x*x

  7. living in Portugal is good.

    but also in Spain.

    in both countries, there are pros and cons.

    So...what do you choose? (thriller music, circus drums)

    PS - Portugal and England have the oldest alliance in the world (since the XIV century), it was a portuguese queen to introduce the tea and marmelade in England (marmelade is a portuguese word), we portuguese love Mr Bean, Sherlock Holmes, Queen Elizabeth II and the Big Ben. (lol)

  8. well i would chose portugal... because of national pride lol ... i`m portuguese. i presume you`re from the UK.. i`ve never been there, so  nowadays you have low-costs you can go wherever you want with not spending that much. You have to understand Portugal before living here. It`s another culture... other people..although portuguese are considered latin...well i would say they are very different of countries like spain or italy. You can realize that by listening to some portuguese music which is Fado.. Algarve is more touristic... i would say quite different from Lisbon... prices of things are quite cheap... but only if you`re comparing to other european destinantions.. if you`re to work here.. watch out... it`s not a nice country to work...YET. well i hope it changes.. But yeah it has it`s bad and nice things like every country. people are noticeable more pacifically than other european countries. So.. have a great time buddy.

  9. Portugal!!! We Portuguese rock :-)

    You dont need any visas or anything...UK is EU buddy...

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