
Living in the 21st century is better than living in the 18th century?

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Living in the 21st century is better than living in the 18th century?




  1. Yes and No.I would prefer 18th Century rather than the 21 century.Because,the air was better the Society was better and there was little pollution.The fashion was ok.I like living in the 21 century too.Because,we have better hospitals,we have technology is better.But our air is horrible,pollution is bad our Society is horrible.War after war DUMB LEADERS of our countries.Evil level has risen afraid of being attacked by other countries.In the 18th century you  would haft to pay high taxes and health care was bad.Kings and Queens fighting each other all the time.But I like the 18 century and the 21century they both have negative and positive characteristics about them.Both are totally different.No time period is great all have there odds and ins.But would prefer the 18 century more.

  2. Well, back in those days men had manners; they cared how they dressed, would make a leg (bow) while a lady curtsied, and were not tainted by the modern disease of "Take me as I am" which is a lazy and selfish excuse for looking scruffy and having no manners.  Clothes were beautiful, and I could go for a man with an elegant powdered bag wig and a solitaire in the mechlin lace of his cravat, who bowed and raised his hat on meeting me!

    Speaking generally (for both eras), life was slower and more elegant for those with some money; it was much like ours in the s*x aspect, though marriages were still arranged - one could take a lover on the side providing one was discreet.

    As we don't know what the future holds in terms of scientific/medical inventions, people in the 18th century didn't know either, so they accepted what was on offer.  It's a fact, though, that leeches are used today to save fingers, etc. (and I'd rather have them than some modern medicines with dire side-effects!)

    In all, knowing what I know, I'd rather be here, but it doesn't stop me dreaming of the refinements of an earlier age, or finding solace and food for the soul while looking at architecture and interiors of the rococo and neo-classical styles rather than some modern monstrosities.

  3. Unquestionably.  I would hate to do without all the comforts and conveniences of modern life.  Imagine living without hot and cold running, water, gas, electricity, central heating etc. How horrible it would be to have to fetch buckets of water from a well every time you wanted to wash or cook anything. Not to mention the lack of a flush toilet. How cold and draughty your house would be.  and no Tv, no radio, no computer. Washing of clothes had to be done by hand, no washing machine or spin dryer.  And if you were a woman, again, you would be spending hours spinning thread to make clothes, a major part of most women's lives in those days was spinning. Not to mention spending hours making hosuehold products that nowadays we can buy in the shops.  Too much like hard work for me.

    and when you got ill, what would your chances of survival be?  precious little if you got anything serious.  And as a woman, my chance of dying in childbirth would be very high.  Not to mention the chance of losing my children to one of the many infectious diseases for which there was no immunisation and no cure in those days,


    I am the opposite. Men were men back then, they knew how to treat a lady then. None of these wooses that we have now, taking maternity leave, crying and god for bid actually visiting the doctor.

    They would have a duel if another man would look at their woman, they would look after them, go out to work bring home the dosh and all we would have to do is look pretty, keep the house clean(with a load of staff) and entertain. wow what a life

  5. 21st in every way. Health, wealth, jobs, housing, education, etc.  21 st for certain.

    Jamie b -

    Petty wars about oil?  Without the stuff we'd soon be back in the middle ages again.

    Ever heard of the war of jenkins ear?

    [OK so it wasn't about ears]

  6. OF COURSE! unless you like not having cures for diseases, no technology, much more physical work to do, all kinds of crazy religious laws, and a life expectancy of about 20-30 years less than it is now. Although, women respected men much more back then

  7. I prefer the 21st century. I don't want wear wigs.

  8. Except for the fact that they don't put leaches on you anymore when you get sick, I would prefer living in the 18th century myself.

  9. Well, they didn't have technology back then. (:

  10. people think that it is so different but it is not back then you had no petty wars over oil and life was actually so much better maybe not between 1640 and 1660.but liofe was a h**l of alot easier back then

  11. Personally, I would perfer to have lived in the 18th century.

  12. For all of those who like the 18th century better because "women knew their place" there are still plenty of places in Asia and the Middle East as well as South America and Africa where "women know their place." Please, visit some of these places and tell me how much you like fighting off famine, disease, and warlords just for the sake of having some uneducated woman make you food and clothes. I'm sure you'll give up your steak dinners and Abercrombie clothes in a heart beat to eat dirt and wear burlap sacks.. Idiots.

  13. Should this have been put in another section as it has naught to do with royalty

  14. No way.

    Back then women knew their place. They cooked, they cleaned, they darned socks.

    Do you think women today even know how to darn socks?

    If someone invented a time machine I'd head back to the 1700s as soon as I got the chance.

  15. Heavens, yes.  Can you imagine medicine or dentistry in the 1700's?  Yuck.

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