
Living with Parents while Attending College?

by Guest58288  |  earlier

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I'll be heading toward university in two more years and I pretty much know what I want to do. However, my parents have recently mentioned that they will be moving to the city where the university is and I will live with them instead of in the dorms. I love my parents to death but I want to get away from them. I've lived all my life with them and I feel college is when you should leave the nest, but they are bringing the nest with me. Plus, if I lived with them, they would place many restrictions on me. How many of you attended college while living with your parents and what was your experience with it?




  1. you "love your parents to death"?? ha ha ha  . so, you're paying for all that education right??

    sorry if this sounds harsh but i went to school with lots of spoiled brats that sound just like you. Why dont you show them how "mature" you are by paying for your own tuition.?  

  2. I think you should tell them that it's time for you to be on your own.  So what if they paid for your tuition, it's part of being a good parent.  Just talk to them about it and find out exactly why they want you living with them.

  3. I'm starting my second year of college and living with my parents. It stinks, I know. My college is in my hometown (; they wouldn't let me apply to any other colleges). I live about 45 minutes from campus too, so I have to commute daily, which also stinks. I tried convincing them of letting me move on campus - even me take out a loan myself. But that didn't happen. Their whole idea was that my brother (who just graduated in May) was able to do it and turn out okay, so why can't I?

    Honestly though, it's not /that/ bad of a thing. Yeah, I wish I could have the "typical college experience," but you find ways to cope with it. I spend a lot of time on campus (partly because of the commute), hanging out with friends and such. Be involved on campus. It helps. Trust me.

    As for wanting to possibly bring home a guy, well I'm sorry your parents aren't supportive. But do recognize that there are other places you could go to hang out. Perhaps it's not the most ideal situation, but it's better than nothing, right?

    (Also, before anybody bashes me about not liking living with my parents: please know that they are not paying for my education. I have a scholarship that covers everything - well, everything except room, board, and food. I do love my parents, but I just want to get out of the house and feel at least somewhat self-supportive.)

  4. You should really talk to your parents about your situation. You still have two more years to go and many things can happen/change. Right now, your parents probably have a different perspective and are afraid to let you go- so they think moving closer to you will help the situation. Your perspective might change as well! You never know. I am entering college in about 15 days, and many of my former high school classmates (including myself) are living at home with our parents & I remember many people saying they wanted to dorm 1-2 years ago. Even i considered it. But if you're really sure that you want this decision on your own- then consider talking to your parents NOW, so they have an idea of what your plans on. But remember that college doesn't necessarily need to be "the leaving your nest" stage and you can always stay with them at least one year to see how hard/easy it is for you.

    Plus: i kinda have to agree with the people above me, only because my parents are helping me pay tuition and i feel it's only fair that i stay with them ( and because i love my parents as well). unless you're willing to pay your schooling and have your job, etc. then you have rights to fully move out.

  5. Talk to your parents about the situation and see if you reach a compromise, such as living in the dorms freshmen year and then maybe commuting after. I think you should live on campus freshmen year just because you would be missing out on all the social things that freshmen do. Your first year of college is when you meet all your friends, and you don't want to miss out on that experience. Also, maybe you can go home on the weekends or every other weekend.

    I didn't live at home in college, but I know people who commuted. From what they said, it was hard for them. They didn't really make a lot of friends because they just came to school for class and then left immediately after.

    Also, it took a toll on their grades, a point you can also bring up with your parents. Because they were commuting so often, it was taking away time from their studying. They thought they were going to be able to study while commuting, but it really does get tiring.

    Personally, at least try and live on campus the first year! Good luck!

  6. I do.. lol

    its not a big deal, just meet ppl who live in the dorms that way you can hit all the cool dorm parties

    -rolls eyes-

    good luck

  7. I'm gonna be living in a dorm and I sorta wish I wasn't. But what are you gonna do.

    can anyone help with mine?;...

    Pease and Thank You!

  8. i did it was fine, if i brought home good grades i could do pretty much watever, but i still would suggest get an apartment off/on campus, so start saving up haha

  9. Well I guess if you don`t have to pay for college loans then move off campus but if you have any debt at all stay at home for a while until you get the career job you want.

  10. hey man I don't feel like going too far away from home. I think how mature you are really already been determined. I think you are matured. Your parent just want to be with you so you don't have to go through all the hard stuff... Imagine if your car broke down who can you come ask for help? your friend might be busy as h**l and they might not help you. If you hungry you can always be sure you can come back and grab a snack and most important your mom probably cook the way you want with less greasy oil that could cause stroke, bad cholesterol, etc... I am living with my parent while I am in college, and when I get to UC i'll still live with them. I don't define maturity as moving out and start on your own. You have the rest of your life doing that after your parent passed away. So I say value the time you're with them.

    To  Hoops : not all people are spoil brat, show them how mature you are has nothing to do with moving away and paying your own expense. It's a faulty logic. If you want to be smart you have to memorize the dictionary why don't you do it. You just think that all people who lived with their parent are spoil brat without any reason.    

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