
Living your life to the fullest?

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what would you do (or do) to live your life to the fullest/ live every day like your last?

because people smoke and drink every day saying they live everday to the fullest, but i disagree that as a way to live every day to your last.




  1. I have smoked and drank and done drugs and had tons of s*x, but quit most of that (except an occasional drink and the s*x).

    I have cancer now and the days I appreciate the most and kind of with I could hold onto longer (or make a "last day" if you will) are the ones where I'm spending time with my family, being kind instead of arguing and picking at each other and also being in nature.

    My ideal day is going for a nice stroll in the wooded mountains near my home with my husband and son and other family members and listening to the river and breathing the fresh air and just enjoying it.  Then, if we lived near a beach, I'd like to go down to the beach for the evening and watch the moon on the water - I miss the ocean.

  2. I'd hang out with my friends and eat my favorite foods...and relax because everyone neeeds time to just relax

  3. i think you just changed my view on life

  4. I live everyday to the fullest.  I hang out with my family and appreciate all the things I have rather than worrying about the things I don't have!  The most important things in my life are my family and my friends.  I try and make sure I make time for them everyday.  We have fun and enjoy life.  Fly a kite, play fetch with the dog, cloud watch, all kinds of cool stuff.  We visit Grandma and Grandpa, and Great Grandmother.

    I used to worry about what we didn't have, about money, about being the best mom, about what other people thought, about keeping up socially, but that is just a bunch of c**p, none of that matters in the end.

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