
Livingdeadrocker is a very spicific name and it has a reson also .click to find out how i got the nickname!!!!

by Guest62622  |  earlier

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at first my nick name was living dead girl but it wore off so now it is living dead rocker because i an realy fastenated by paronormal things an i can tell if there close and sometimes see them its a little scary at times but im not scared by spiders and zombies and im not affraid to die so thats how i got my nick name please mail me comments and i hope you arent freaked out by the way im a horrible speller




  1. That is not a question....I can't answere a question if there is no question....I will check back to see if you added an actual question.

  2. You sound narcissistic.Maybe even a necrophiliac.

  3. they called me chaos but then i became christaian and god poped xantos in to my head so i call my self that i was a wizzard but god set me free he can do the same for you see he sent jesus christ to die for are sins so do the research on christ  youl find that he compleated 40 mirrcales 40 something prothise i aint preachen it just more paronormal news i thought you would like i have seen ufo i seen the demon of grigore i herd and felt deaths touch and i have seen moon illusions and been bit by vamp and i prayed for it ther is tons of parronormal event in bible you would love it

  4. In the time it took you to apologize for being a horrible speller you could have hit spell check and shown a little respect for people reading your question.

  5. That's kind of neat. Makes me want to go listen to Rob Zombie.

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