
Lizard in my room!! HELP!! EMERGENCY!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i was on vacation for about a month. and when i got back, i saw a lizard in my room, for the first time. it was really thin, white, and super fast. and the last few nights i havent been able to sleep, cuz when i turn my light off, and lay still for about 5 mins, i suddenly feel something crawling from my legs to my back. and jump up and like shake to get it off of me, and when i turn on the light its gone. then i try to go back to sleep, and it happens again..over and over again....i'll even take everything off of my bed, take my pillows out of thier pillow covers and i cant find it!

i wanted to know how can i get rid of this lizard? how can i get it to stop getting on me? would insect repellent help keep it away?

and can it get me sick? its a small super thing ultra fast lizard, and i live in los angeles, california. does anyone know what kinda of lizard it is? and can it hurt me or my pets(dogs and cat)?

please help i need too sleep and it wont let me!!




  1. I would suggest that you isolate the bedroom by closing the door so they won't get into other parts of your house and your pets won't be harmed. Also, since you probably don't know that much about the lizard, I would keep your distance away from it, as it could be carrying diseases or something of that sort. Than you should call an exterminator or a local SPCA to help you remove the animal(s).

  2. get a pest exterminator!! immediately!!!!! waaahhh!!!! let's panic!!!!

  3. are you sure its not a mouse

  4. How is this lizard surviving in a house with a dog and cat? My dog and cats kill everything that comes into my house. What's wrong with yours?  

  5. LOL!! The lizard is most likely gone.. it's not crawling on you, your mind is playing tricks!! Because you're under the impression that the lizard is still in your room and you dont know where it is, your mind is automatically tricking you into thinking that it's on you because that's what you fear the most..

    I wouldnt think about it too much... plus it's a lizard, what's the worst that can happen-- it wont hurt, harm or attack you or your pets. I've slept in my room knowing there were cockroaches and moths flying around! If you find him, catch him and put him outside

  6. haha it sounds madd im gonna go research it now

  7. Don't worry about it. If it is still alive in your house, that means you have some type of pest it wants to eat in your house. Here is a website that may help you identify the lizard.

  8. First off, it won't hurt you except by interfering with your sleep. If we didn't live on opposite coasts, I'd offer to come over and protect you but that might not allow you to get any more sleep than the lizard allows you. Sorry.

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