
Lizard: possible species/diet??

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my dad is doing construction at a house, southern california, near the coast, about 15 miles or so from the beach i guess, and they hsve hundreds of lizards running around that house.

mmy dad took two small ones he caught home.

the smaller one is about 2 inches from tail to head, but the tail makes up a little over half its body

you can tell this one in a baby because I'll pick her up and pet her and she will play with me, get tired fast, so ill gently stroke her back and she will immediatly fall asleep. its really cute (: except in the morning she always has more energy from her long night of sleep

I've been feeding them crickets, and they sound like they are Southern Sagebrush Lizards, and i was wondering if this type of insect was okay.

the bigger one has a light bue under its chin, but its still a baby.

should i really be feeding them ants?!?!

they have been eating the crickets, i watched




  1. You are correct...also known as blue belly lizards.  Crickets are a good food choice as long as the crickets are not too big.  Meal worms are also good.

  2. Yes, crickets are fine, but you'll need to dust them with calcium. You'll also need a heat lamp and a UVB lilgh. Not providing these will result in a quick death for the lizards. The one with the blue chin is a male since only males develop this. And there is no such thing as a blue belly lizard. Thre are many different species of lizards which people erroneously refer to as "blue bellies" because they don't know the proper name. Western fence lizards, eastern fence lizards, sagebrush lizards, spiny lizards, and many more are called "blue bellies" by people because the males of all of these have blue throats and bellies. The females don't have any blue ever.

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