
Lmao, anybody listen to the radio this morning and hear?

by  |  earlier

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the guy who proposed to his girlfriend in a romantic gesture live on air only to have her break up with him!

I don't usually laugh at others pain but I just thought it was so funny. did anyone else hear it and think the same? it was on the strawberry alarm clock at about 10am.




  1. I didn't hear it but I would have done the same and dump the guy. Unless I personally know the person I don't want to hear a marriage proposal.

  2. Did not hear it

  3. That is GREAT. He must have been so embarresed....

  4. Yea.  It's ashame that someone would laugh at someone else getting their heart broke.   I bet it wouldn't be funny if it happened to the one laughing.   Now would it???????

  5. That is crazy that she had the guts to break up with him on the air after he had put himself out there like that...I guess thats why we all have a little bit of fear about doing something outlandish like that, because it could totally backfire like that!!! Wow, I wish I could have heard it...I am with you about not really laughing at others pain but it's kinda like a car wreck or a bright light at night...hard to look away. Thanks for sharing!!!!

  6. no....i live in Australia

  7. i wish i did

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