
Local Jobs?

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I live in Wisconsin and before i go for the big time, i think its definetely a good idea to do some local shoots or commercials. Does anybody know how i can find local work?




  1. First of all, are you ready?

    Start preparing your base first. It will help you in the long run. Have you taken any acting classes or do you have any experience? If not, you will definitely want to take some classes. It will help you to feel more comfortable in the auditions and ultimately in front of the camera.

    It wouldn't hurt to take an acting technique class, but if you are in a hurry, know that there are also

    on camera commercial classes

    improvisation classes

    which are probably the two types of classes that will help you the most.

    Have a look at this page on my site for new and aspiring actors. On it you will find links to different pages that have to do with starting an acting career including 23 reasons why acting classes are important, how to choose the right school for your needs and 17 things you can do to start finding acting work. Also you will find information about how to get an agent, which could help you as well, but for that you will benefit from having some training under your belt first.

    Also, don't forget about commercial print classes and trying to get a commercial print agent.

    Good luck!


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