
Local Phone company sucks?

by  |  earlier

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I have a question I hate the local phone company I have here, but it is the only one so how can I get a phone service for my landline without dealing with them . Can anybody help




  1. try this website and see if there is anyone else in your area!!

    also, have you ever considered MagicJack??

  2. After a little research through some of your previous questions, I am certain that you live in the USA. That is important as the company I am going to recommend to you is American, but also operates in 18 other countries.

    The first thing to do is take a look at this web site

    but when you get to the opening page click on the SELECT YOUR COUNTRY button, then click on the US flag, that will get you to the US section. There under products you will fine some of the things that the company offers.

    Once you have had a look get back to me by email and I will show you how to try the service.

    Also if you would like I have a friend in California who uses the service herself and I could get her to tell you all about it.

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