
Local diploma?

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what is a local diploma compared to a regents diploma?




  1. In order to graduate with a Local Diploma, the requirement for high school graduation are:

    *  Passing grade for students entering 9th grade after 2006 is 65+% on four of the five required Regents exams.

    *  Passing grade for students entering 9th grade in 2006 is 65+% on at least three of the five required Regents exams.

    *  Passing grade for students entering 9th grade in 2005 is 65+% on at least two of the five required Regents exams.

    *  Passing grade on five Regents exams:  Math A or Integrated Algebra, English Language Arts, Global Studies, US History and Government, and lab Science (Living Environment, Earth Science, Chemistry, Physics.)

    *  Four years of credits in English and Social Studies.

    *  Three years of credits in Science (including two years of labs) and Math.

    *  At least one semester credit each in Music and Art.

    *  Required Physical Education class (or Health) every semester.

    *  Total of 44 credits needed.

    In order to graduate with a Regents Diploma, the requirements for high school graduation are:

    *  All of the local diploma requirements must be met, and passing grade on all five required exams must be 65+%.

    In order to graduate with an Advanced Regents Diploma, students must pass all the Regents exams required for an Advanced regents Diploma, and fulfill the following distribution and credit requirements:

    *  All of the Regents diploma requirements must be met, as well as three years of credits (6 credits) in foreign language.

    *  Passing grade of 65+% on eight required Regents exams (including a second math and science regents, a foreign language Regents, and the standard five Regents exams.)

  2. A local diploma is when you pass 5 regents (Global, US History, Math A, a Science, and English) with 55+. A regents diploma is when you pass those same regents but with a 65+
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