
Local husband kills wife and two babies?

by Guest56072  |  earlier

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Last week a man killed his wife and two babies. She already had a PFA. Why can't we do more for these mothers then just a piece of paper. Once again the PFA didn't save a life in this case it took away three. Something has to change. What do you think should change about getting real protection and not just a piece of paper?




  1. what is a PFA ?

    this is happening more and more often peoples complains should be taken more seriously

    i once had a non arrestable injunction on my ex i mean what is the point of that

  2. The right to carry is the only real protection a person can have. Unless they can hire a body guard with a gun. The police are to busy harassing regular people to bother with violent criminals.

  3. unfortunately, a PFA is often seen as an act of aggression by the offender and oft times wind up retaliating.  there is little protection in a piece of paper.  more can be done by moving.  but that isn't easy.

    i believe the answer can be found in earlier intervention, before it becomes violent, or at least more violent.  there is little desire to spend on this as it is not easy to judge its effectiveness in lowering the overall rate of violence, there are just too many variables.  this then becomes a political game, at the suffering of the women and children caught in the crossfire.

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