
Local paper thinks attachment therapy wonderful?

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what do you think?

they guy sure says he is an attachment therapist on his web site....

Adoptees, please speak, you are the only ones they will listen to...




  1. Not likelly

  2. From your link: "Yet Post disavowed "attachment therapy" seven years ago, according to a quote in Sizemore's story. Moreover, in references Post makes to "attachment" on his Web site, most use the term as it relates to the need to nourish and sustain attachments that result in healthy relationships between parents and children."

    From the Post Institute website: "Pioneer of The Stress Model; Family-Centered Regulatory Therapy; Family-Centered Regulatory Parenting" "He is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the state of Oklahoma and is registered to practice within various other states. He is a member of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), the International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology (ISCPP), and a Diplomate of the American Psychotherapy Association."

    He is not an attachment therapist.  Nowhere on his site (that I could find) does he say he's an attachment therapist.

    ETA:  Attachment THERAPY is very different from attachment PARENTING.  Attachment parenting is simply an approach to child-rearing which is entirely child-focused (i.e. whatever the child needs, listening to the child's signals, and responding out of love and not fear, never using consequences or physical "prompts", never using intimidation, manipulation, etc.).  Why would you have a problem with listening to the CHILD, and doing exactly what that child needs?  Why would you have a problem with becoming what your child needs?  Attachment therapy, yes, is wrong.  Attachment parenting, however, is totally different.  I don't know what this guy does for therapy, but the PARENTING approach he teaches has nothing whatsoever to do with attachment therapy.  The two aren't even similar.

  3. Attachment therapy is a ridiculous therapy that is "sold" to adoptive or foster parents as a quick fix to years of a child's attachment disorder.  I attended a child abuse conference a year ago and it was presented that the statistics on the success rate of attachment therapy are not significant.  But people buy into because it's being marketed well.  It's a false hope for families.

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