
Locals say: Katrina Tourist say: Hurricane Katrina?

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does anyone find it funny that we [locals] say katrina and others say "Hurricane Katrina"? any ideas why?




  1. No because its like with celebrities people who are close to them call them (ex : kate beckinsale) Kate where as people who don't know them call them Kate Beckinsale! You guys had a personally connection with Hurricane Katrina others did not!

    I don't know if where I got them have black skinnies but They might have some at delias!

  2. Good observation.  Maybe it is because we have a close personal relationship with it!  lol!  It would be like calling my neighbor Ann while others call her Mrs. Smith.  I know her better!

    True, most just refer to "the storm" .

  3. Well, I think if you said just "Katrina" world wide people would know what your talking about - but locals always have a shortened slang way of talking. Every city town has a similar example, it's just slang - like calling someone Bob instead of Robert - it's just a sort of familiarity to shorten things that are personal.  

  4. Because we are local and we talk about it so much that it is a pain to say hurricane katrina that we shorten it to katrina that b%$&* lol Oh sorry sometimes we leave off the latter part as well.

    We know who the h**l Katrina is without the hurricane added in.

  5. Where I live we don't have hurricanes and I am so used to the weather reports saying Hurricane so-and-so. I guess it would be comparative to saying "The City".  I told some friends I was going to The City and they asked me "What city?"   Each area has their own way of describing things. Took me a long time to call NYC the city.  

  6. I noticed that also, locals just call it "katrina" or "the storm"

  7. most locals refer to it as the storm. I noticed the switch a few months after Kartina. So to be honest that is how I know locals to refer to it as.

  8. I think most locals (under 35 anyway) would just say "the hurricane" or "the storm". Even some locals over that age refer to it that way, although many of them remember other massive "storms" like Betsy or Camile. In turn, they would refer to "Katrina" by name.

    People who don't live in NOLA, would have to say "Hurricane Katrina" because i'm sure the average person living outside New Orleans doesn't have the initial reaction of hearing the name "Katrina" and thinking "massive hurricane"

    Oh, to be that lucky!

  9. Um.No.I don't know why you asked that.But no.....???

  10. I call it .. the storm

    such as ..     "things have slowly been gettin better since the storm"  


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