
Locas Fuel & Injector cleaner

by Guest65459  |  earlier

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I have a check engine light on my 2001 eclipse GT, So I got the codes ran and it was a Multi-Cylinder Misfire code. Now I know it can be a number of things but I just had a Major tune up only 4 or 5 months ago. i.e. Plugs, Wires, Coil pack, and some other stuff, now the only thing that didn’t get rplace were the fuel injector’s. I was wanting to know if any one has used Locas Injector treatment while having a check engine light on and the fluid clearing and flushing out the injectors and if the light came off. Any help I would appreciate.. Tank You!




  1. Yeah dude make sure they really did put all new wires on if you asked for it...  Most the time if you just get a normal not full tune up tehy change only a few wires...

  2. a misfire is caused by an electrical/ignision problem

  3. Nope............we only use BG44K for cleaning out injectors, it is the best on the market.....

  4. Your fuel injectors will have nothing to do with mis fires. Lucas Fuel Treatment is one of the best you can buy and will help clean out your injectors but It wont have anything to do with your codes or engine light. If it is a misfire code it is your spark plugs or wires regardless of your tune up. Call the place you got your car tuned up at and tell them you got these codes. They should check them for free.

  5. Any part of the fuel and ignition system can cause a misfire. I agree with you logic on the tune-up 4-5 months ago, but this should never be overlooked when trouble shooting. I have seen parts right out of the box fail in a short time. Most of the time problems associated with misfires have been electrical. That goes back all the way to ignition systems that had "Points" and "Condensers" rather than electronic ignition systems and ECU's. You also need to verify that the crank trigger is good and that the wiring and connection to all of the engine electrical are clean and making good contact.

    Your fuel injectors could also be a problem. They can fail individually by having the internal coil fail, or you could have a buildup of carbon on and in the injection port, or you could have contamination on the supply side of the injector which will clog the injector. Let’s say the fuel filter is full on small particles of dirt and metal shavings and the filter finally breaks down because of vibration, then all those particles come flying toward the injector. It doesn't happen very often, but it did happen to a car I worked on.

    Check over the ignition system just to be sure and then start looking for fuel injector problems or contamination. You could try the injector cleaner and see what it does as a data point. Maybe it will change the symptom.

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