
Locate free census to locate dad

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My mom stole us and changed our last names need to find real dad kids need family knowledge




  1. wow that's crazy

  2. You didn't mention your age but if you are a young person the best thing for you to do would be call the police or go to the police station.  They will help you find your real dad.

    A census report would not give you your father's name or address.  If you remember his name then do a search on MySpace and see what comes up.  If you remember a town or state then go to and enter his last name.  If you remember neighbors names, towns or anything it will be a place to start.

    The US Census people won't release names and details until 72 years have passed.

  3. The census is not available to the public for those years. A detective could find him in a day if he is still alive.

  4. Do you remember where she stole you from?  If you remember the state and town that you were in then call information and ask for the police station in that town.  Tell them that you were stolen from your dad in the year you were stolen and that you would like to contact your dad.  They will help you.


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