
Locating Certain Instruments in Los Angeles or at least the US?

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I admit I have a great love for the arts. Recently through research I've discovered four instruments that I would like to learn however these instruments have been difficult for me to find seeing as I live in Los Angeles. My instruments I need help finding are the Chinese Liuqin, the Chinese Pipa, the Armenian Duduk, and the Japanese Shamisen. If someone could direct me to a place where I could buy one or a website where I can buy one of these on line that would be most helpful. I've found lots of foreign sites but I'm looking for one in english. Also a guide on how to play these instruments would greatly be appreciated THANKS!!




  1. Tough one!  What I suggest is that you go to a fair or event where there will be Asian music and musicians (cultural faire) and ask people there.  Below is a link to the Japanese American Museum; that might be a lead too!

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