
Locating birth parents?

by Guest32279  |  earlier

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I know the full names of both of my birth parents, but don't know where they are living, though my birth mother may still be in Wisconsin, she may have got married. My birth father, I believe, is no longer living in the state. I have already checked with the adoption agency, it would cost me $75 dollars per hour for someone to locate information and it's not guaranteed that I can get an address or phone number or anything. I can't use white pages because I don't even know if they are in Wisconsin anymore or if my mother has a different last name now. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions that won't cost me an arm and a leg to get information. All I want to do is send a letter to my birth mother to start with and then go from there, but it seems impossible to get current information without paying an arm and a leg to get it. It shouldn't have to be this way...




  1. I had extremely good luck putting an ad in the newspaper where I was born. I knew nothing to start with, but got a call from a woman who worked at the hospital where I was born and she found details for me...I don't know how she did it and didn't ask questions. After the ad, I also got a lot of calls from support angencies in the area who had other tips. I also got a responding ad in the paper, although that never amounted to anything- you never know who will respond. Bio-mom was married but I found a grandmother through hospital lady info. That's how I found my mother.....

          My bio-dad found me through a posting on an adoption database/search/connection website- put your info on any site that doesn't look totally sketchy. If desperate, ancestry websites might give clues also if you know names, but this is probably more frustrating than it's worth.

         If you know names I'd do web background check stuff, because that will get you some good leads before you pay. Best of luck to you!!!!- and get a good therapist/support network because even if you find them and they are lovely, it is very stressful.

  2. you can do it on the net try zeba ,com   and the ones the others said. i live in the US but i was born in the UK i found my mom  myself took time but worth it good luck!

  3. search on the internet

  4. Try  It's free to put in a search.  It's only $7.95 to then get the information available for the whole list of results of a search.  You can do a search of just some states or all states.

  5. OK um if you want to find the birth parents the kids should be at least 12 so they can understand the satiation and  let the kids decide weather or not they want to meet them and always be 100 percent honest because if not they will resent you like i do my adoption parents but if the parents are on any thing then dont let the kids involved it hurts us more than helping us

  6. Have you tried

    If you have no luck there I have subscriptions to a couple of sites and would be happy to run the names through for you, just email me it's no trouble at all

    You're right, adoption agencies have already made their money off you - they have no place making a buck from searching adoptees and first families, that's a revolting practice.  Don't worry, you can look them up yourself.

  7. Have you tried the birth,marriage, and death records of the

    state? It will probably cost you for the archive research but it

    is not as expensive as a locator of $75 an hour.  Then I would

    scout around the old neighborhood and ask people who      have lived there a long time. If you don't get some leads, then

    I would check old jobs of theirs and see what you can scare up

    there. I would think with all the resources I gave you it would help. Oh I forgot research the internet, they have records

    of past people and that will be a small fee.

  8. If you have the names and a previous location of their residence use the following below. I have used it many times to find lost contacts and have been successful in each one. I can even help! I am great at finding missing folk!

  9. Try Births, Deaths and Marriages in your state and then go from there. :) Good luck I am doing the same.

  10. Most adoption search angels can track them for free if you have all of the details.  My recommendation is to post your information at this site:

    The team will get your information and will return any information that can be located.

    If you prefer to try to locate yourself, do the following:

    search his name and approx age using (or many of the other's available such as intellius etc.)

    to search for your BM use sites such as and  These sites lists both maiden and married names and you can usually match by school location.

    You don't state you birth date so not sure if this will work but WI marriage records are available on for 1973-1997 (need a subscription, free trials are avail)

    another good source for address/phone info is

    zabasearch information can be sometimes out of date but always worth a shot.

    Good luck

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