
LocationFree Players using standard cable?

by  |  earlier

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I want to buy a LocationFree server to watch TV on my PSP. Does it need to be connected to some TV in order to work? I dont have Digital cable or satellite or anything like that... just standard cable that comes to my house over a coaxial cable like most people have. Will I be able to hook that cable up directly to my locationfree server? And if i do that, how many people will be able to login to it and watch TV at one time?




  1. 1) Does it need to be connected to some TV in order to work?

    It needs to be connected to a video source. Meaning that it needs to be connected to something with a video output (ex. dvd player, cable box, satellite box, etc)  Televisions usually don't have a video output.

    2) Will I be able to hook that cable up directly to my location free server?

    No. You can watch TV using that cable because your tv has a tuner built into it.  The LocationFree does not.

    3) ...How Many people will be able to login to it and watch TV at one time?


    ***The slingbox has a built in tuner, but I'm pretty sure it won't work with your PSP

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