
Loch Ness Roller Coaster at Bush Gardens in Virginia??

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What happens in the dark tunnel on the Loch Ness Roller Coaster?? I really want to go on the ride but I hate going on rides where I don't know what's happening!





    Okay, Loch Ness is crazy but awesome!!! If you don't like going over the water or thru insane loops, I strongly don't recommend this for you. But if you are okay with this, then there's nothing else that bad. The tunnel's fine really. You just go around in a circle for a little while in a huge turn, then you come out of the tunnel and a little further and you go over the side and drop down into the second loop (the first one comes eariler). Then smile for the camera (try during the loop, it's fun!) or make a funny face and that's the end! Nothing too bad if you're okay with rollercoasters! Just if you don't like loops or don't like being near water. (You don't touch the water, but you do go above it, so if you don't even want to go near water, then don't go.) Otherwise, it's a nice ride and everything's just fine. That's it. ...Oh, and it's AWESOME!!!!!!! ...Don't go at night if you want to know what's going on, since you can't see in the tunnel as much. But it is a good night ride, so maybe after you ride it, you'll be able to ride at night. It's really no biggie. Just hold on and enjoy the ride! Hope this helps! Have fun!

  2. its just a turn....its really funn and not a big fan or rollercoasters but i love that one...have fun!!!!

  3. I went to busch gardens and i didnt go on loch ness monster but i loved the park! Go on youtube and search for videos of people on the loch ness monster =]

  4. Hey there!

    The tunnel is one of the best ride elements of any ride.  There's nothing to be scared of in the tunnel.  Here's the ride, in a nutshell:

    First lifthill, first loop, into the tunnel.  The tunnel is nothing but a series of 3 helix turns (basically you're going in a circle).  There used to be a glow in the dark picture of the loch ness monster in the tunnel and some fog, but they don't use those elements that much anymore.  Once you're out of the tunnel, you go up the second lift, down the second drop, into the second loop, and the ride is over.  Short and sweet, but very fun!!  LNM is one of my favorite coasters!

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