
Lochness monster bigfoot aliens i need help

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if there is a lochness monster hsouldnt there be submarines looking for him

why dont park rangers look for bigfoot

why dont people actually try to get in area 51 like an angry mob or something




  1. Because I hunted them all to extinction.

  2. Answer this question for me.  If you saw bigfoot would you expose yourself the the reticule of the media by telling someone?  Anyone with half a brain will keep their face shut about what they saw.  Who wants to branded as a wacko.  Not me, so I kept my face shut.

  3. Who knows about area 51 b/c we all know about that.  But big foot  and the lochness monster don't exist.  

  4. The Loch Ness monster was an admitted hoax.

    Park rangers do routinely look for Bigfoot evidence.

    Area 51 has a huge cache of weaponry that would probably mow down any mob.

  5. Wasting necessary money in something that obviously is all phony balony? Only supersticious and deluded idiots waste their time believing that and other dumb things like "big foot", oh brother! If there is something big and funny in that lake, how come we haven't found it yet? Because it is as fictional as the "Looney Tunes" cartoons. Me ridiculous for using such comparison? More ridiculous and idiotic is the guy who waste his time believing in such foolishness. P.D.: And if a mob were to enter that base "holding aliens", they will find a military police keeping order, and if let in, the base completely empty with nothing. Those "aliens" never existed except in the imagination of the guy who invented the story to make money, obviously. "A sucker is born every minute", P.T. Barnum. And an advice: tell the science students there how much you believe in "ghosts", "monsters" and "aliens". They are going to laugh at you for eternity.

  6. Might as well inclued GOD. it's all horse hockey

  7. ya know i wonder the same things as you.   in fact i think that a million people should storm into area 51 and capture the scientists

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