
Locked card help?

by  |  earlier

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iv got a premier digital camera

it wont let me take pictures it says card locked, i can however look at them, its been in my printer for about a week .




  1. connect d card 2 ur computer via cable or card reader n format d card

  2. There is a little tab on the back of your card. It has a "locked" and "unlocked" position. Slide it to the other position with your fingernail. .

    The Rat

  3. Yes, check the little switch on the card... should be 'UNLOCKED'

  4. Hi if you take your memory card out of your camera you will see a little white switch on the side make sure the card is the right way up so you can read the writing on it, now the little switch should be in the up position for unlock and down to lock. Hope  that helps .MAC
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