
Locker Room Help?!? (dont know where to put this..)?

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ok so i just started 8th grade and found out for gym we have to change in a locker room (its very small) . the school i go to has a uniform which is just a skirt and a polo shirt...and i am pretty much fat so i hate changing infront of i was thinking, should i just put my gym shorts on under my skirt, then take my skirt off...then just wear a tank top or something under my polo shirt, that way i can just quickly slip out of my polo shirt and into my gym shirt? has anyone else faced this kind of problem? and if so how did you deal with it?

i dont know if this helps but none of my close friends are in my gym class this year.

and no last year we just did gym in our shirts





  1. yep simple as tht

    put ur shorts on under ur skirt

    take the skirt off

    then always wear a tank under ur shirt

    n jus take ur shirt off leaving the tank on

    n then slip ur gym shirt on over

    ive always done this n still do

  2. Most girls changed in the showers with curtains. I recommend not changing in bathroom stalls, girls on periods, or girls that have to pee will hate you. If there's anyway that you could get away from the rest to change you could do that.

  3. Yeah It Seems liek a good idea to me.  

  4. If wearing your shorts under your skirt and what not is going to help your confidence and keep you from stressing about that all day go for it. Also, i understand its a change and its hard but you arent the only one, and usally no one is really focusing on you changing, they are doing the same thing.  And there is different ways to change more secreatively.  Dont take your cloths off all at once or your shirt off all the way, just half way and have ur other shirt ready to go so you can slip it over real quick, and same thing with your shorts and skirt.  But, if you feel more comfortable the way you said you might do it thats fine too, atleast until you feel more comfortable throughout the year or what not.  

  5. Try not to let it bother you. Lame, I know! But really, all the other girls will be feeling self conscious as well. Pull your shorts on under your skirt then take your skirt off, but as far as your top goes, unless gym is your last class, do you really want to be walking around in what could potentially be a sweaty tank top underneath your polo? The issue then may not be your weight but the smell from a sweaty tank top.

    I was extremely shy and self conscious at that age and was scared to death of changing in front of a bunch of girls I did not know, and all I kept worrying about was that they would make fun of me. I kept to myself and would quickly change my clothes and never had a problem with anyone else.  

  6. Ya last year....But in are 4th period Pe class we only hade 6 girls and so everyone was kind of nervous....especially me(Im fat to).....I was probley the last one to get completley used to it.....What you are planning on doing thats what I did with my shirt and then people started asking questions.....Don't Worry I felt the same way but I promise It will turn out to be no problem....But just take off your shirt then hold it infront of you and put the shirt on

  7. I had that problem in high school.  I wore a size 16 which seemed huge compared to everyone else, and there were only two toilet stalls so we all just had to change in the open area of the locker room.  The only good thing is that most of the girls are too shy about getting changed themselves and they won't be checking you out.

    You have it figured out about the skirt.  You'll notice that the other girls will be doing that too, no one will really run around bare-butt naked.  The only issue you'll run into is the bra issue...there will be girls who wear one and girls who don't.  Of the girls who don't wear one, some will have undershirts and others won't.  If you're on the heavy side, you probably need a bra already.  Get a pretty one and don't worry about your tummy being exposed...if you're really worried about it, you can kind of pull the uniform skirt up to just under your bra after you have the shorts on, then take off the polo shirt, put on the gym shirt and then take off the skirt.

  8. i used to be anerexcic[how ever you spell it] and i had the same problem.

    and i wore a tank top under my shirt...

    but i just turned my back when i changed my pants.

    no problem[:

  9. in the 8th grade i was verrrry nervous too, but after a while it gets better... because honestly nobody looks at each other... its usually all eye contact.. and if it bothers you darling, talk to your gym teacher about maybe changing in the bathroom?? :D  just explain to to her [if there is a female gym teacher in the locker room] why you feel that way. usually there are bathrooms in the locker rooms though so it usually not a problem if your uncomfortable.  hope i helped some.  

  10. When I had Gym, i started wearing tank tops under my shirt then i just wore a really big shirt so it was easier to put my shorts on. But putting your shorts under your skirt sounds like it would work ok too.

  11. every body says that i'm skinny even some say that i'm toooo skinny but i also have the same problem feeling uncomfy changing infront of other girls u should just face ur fear and change thaqts what i did and if anybody says anything just say i'm happy yhte way i am or go s***w ur self

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