
Locker room

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I'm in eight grade.My p.e. class calls for use to change out of our uniform into our p.e. clothes and vise-versa .thats it.But in ninth grade,we will have to get nude and shower with each other.I am very nervous.I don't think i can work up enough courage in one year.Help!!!




  1. Don't take's not like they force you to strip down and shove you in a shower.

  2. ur in for a rough year

  3. You are making yourself upset over really nothing.

    All guys are shaped differently.So what's the big deal.

    Get over it and as soon as you can you are free of those nasty inhibitions.


  4. It's really liberating to be able to be rid of the fear that paralyzes the best of us (me included). I really have yet to conquer that yet myself. Just all of the sudden decide that you are going to just get naked and do it. Then you'll realize that the world actually hasn't fallen out of the universe and that no one actually noticed at all, or at least they are pretending that they don't envy your courage.

  5. You've got nothing to worry about.  The guys you're with are going through the same problem--even the show off's.  Don't sweat it.  Grab a towel, drop the gym clothes, go take a shower, dry off, get dressed.  Don't worry about getting a woody--you won't (unless you're looking at a p**n mag and then you'll be the most popular kid in the shower).  The other guys are gonna check you out, and you're gonna check them out.  Don't make a big deal out of it.  It's just a quick shower--you don't have to take a 20 minute shower, so you'll hardly be in there anyway.  Good luck!

  6. if they look punch them in the face and kick them.

  7. WoW...lots of weird answers.

    You need to take a shower after my opinion it should be mandatory. Like it or not, you play, you sweat, you stink.

    Just do it. Do like the others said. You in the shower to do one thing. Get clean! So get in there, and do your thing and get out. Don't let it stress you out. Everyone is different. Your going to look, others are going to look. Just don't stare at people that's all.

    9th grade was one of my favorites in High School. I loved 9th grade and 12th grade.

    Live and learn, but have fun in the process!


  8. ok start now telling yourself that you are ok with doing this. nudity is very natural. We are just freaked out about it because of the stigma that society has put on it. You will find out that after you do it you will be very comfortable and liberated by it. During this next year try looking for opprotunities to do things like if a friend is over come oout of the shower with a towel on. Go to a local gym and do the same . You will be o.k. buddy and remember be proud of what you have regardless.

  9. Take Terry's advice.  It is tough but you will be alright!

  10. last year (when i was in grade 9) we didn't have to shower.

    just remember that no one's going to be looking at you like that. and be confident. you dont have to be ashamed of anything.  

  11. i had to do the same thing dont worry some guys are cruel and will tease you so you should just shrug it off your shoulders and let it go.  on the takeing a shower just dont look at other guys stuff and walk in like you own the place and just do your bussiness and get out after a week or two it will be normal think for you

  12. if you really cant build up enough

    courage, then just get a permission slip from your

    parents or legal gardian saying that they grant you permission

    to not have to take a shower after gym and then the school

    cant make you take one and then all your nudy worries will be gone  

  13. you know what you need to do is get naked first and go in the showers like a man so it looks like ur not shy, ull set an example 4 others.

  14. I had a problem with changing infront of the other girls in my school during P.E. My freshmen year, but after a while, you'll get usted to it.  It'll feel like nothing after you get uested to it.  It took me a week before I was fully comfortable changing in front of ppl in the locker room.  You'll get usted to it soon, hun.

  15. OK what you can do is know you can refuse to take the shower they can not force you to ...

    OK you need the uniform OK when they give it to you make sure they are the right size lol   .you can where them under a pair of loos  fit pants and use body spray to cover up and later take em off in boys room ... se i did that and friends did to  if the school say you must say  it is against your beliefs  the will not go against them by law

  16. What ar eyou afraid of?

    DOnt be nervous. Be a man and show them you arent afraid. Its only scary the first time :)

  17. You will get used to it after the first few times.  Why do you care so much about what other guys think.  They don't really care what your's looks like or how big/small it is.  If there is a g*y kid in your class don't change around him because that would be weird.  You could face the lockers or a wall or corner but it won't be a big deal.

  18. showering should be optional, just bring a lot of deodorant

  19. Cain, you can do it.  Walk in there like you own the place, drop your drawers, march to the showers and take care of business.

    If you get a hardon act like it just a natural thing.  Because it is.

    The guys will check out your equipment and you'll check out theirs, it happens all over the world.

    Two or three times of doing this and it will be routine.  Don't compare yourself with the other guys because at this age you'll find a wide range of d**k sizes.  THINK of yourself as the dude with the best package.

    On, and don't listen to the guy that said something about g**s (someone always does) be confident enough in yourself that nobody will intimidate you, g*y or straight.  h**l, if a g*y guy looks at you feel flattered.

  20. Don't shower.

    Stock up on a bunch of Tag and Axe body sprays...

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