
Lockers, homeroom, more than 1 teacher... all this is new!! help!!!

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ok i'm going into 7th grade and I'm FREAKED!! i'm always asking myself "will i get to my classes on time. will i get detention. will my teachers HATE ME... what if my locker is on the bottom floor and all my classes are on the top!? soooo scared right now... with skool so close I'm freaking out every minute. ahhhhh i mean im new to middle skool and idk... i just want to b ready.... so any tips on how i can get to know the skool (and i cant go to open house cuz i missed it ) :( how i can get to classes locker trouble and stuff like that.... help plz!!!!




  1. first off, chill :D

    middle school is finne.

    your locker will always be near your homeroom.

    and your different teachers for major clases like science and math are always near each other. your never gonna be late. and for electives they dont care much if your late a minute or two but your like barley late for class.

    why would teachers hate you?  

  2. hey  i felt like you a few weeks ago

    i started 7th grade about 2 weeks ago and it was scary we dont have lockers and c**p YOU WILL GET TO YOUR CLASSES domt worry everyone thinks taht but its ok

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