
Locking Your Gate To Prevent The Cops From Entering Your Property?

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Well i currently live on a 2 Acre Ranch - 1 Acre being my backyard, complete with huge trees and pine trees lining the fence line around the chain link fence. I live in a quiet neighborhood where we don't get much passing cars... and this area throws "parties" etc. like once in a blue moon....

Any who i've been hosting some small scale parties, like kickbacks - you know the same old beer pong, chilling with friends (20ish people) but now me and a friend are wanting to up the anty... and throw a larger party.

My question is, with the information i gave, i have a great freaking yard, huge and well hidden, but could i like LOCK my front gate (which is like 40 - 50 yards from the back of the house) so no cops could enter my premises?

I've read up on house party blogs on how to close the door behind you etc and talk you way out with the cops (reasonable cause etc.) but since it's a party out in the YARD, with trees littering the yard & huge pine trees blocking the view of the police from looking inside the fence... COULD I JUST LOCK MY FENCE AND CALL IT A NIGHT!?

They NEVER park in front of my house, but this time i'm gonna use my amp for music... but still have it at a reasonable level (neighbors are like 70 yards away)

I dont know why i keep ranting but yeah, can i just lock my gate?




  1. If your party isn't disturbing anyone, or disturbing the peace then there is nothing wrong, so you shouldn't worry about the cops. But in case of an emergency and someone drank too much and passed out & needed medical attention (you never know) you shouldn't lock your gates...

    "can i just lock my gate?" Well it's your prerogative, but if the cops do get called to your house they'll probably hop the fence or whatever to find out what's going on (they don't know and want to make sure everything is okay). ;)

  2. you can just lock your gate, but it won't make a sh*t bit of difference. If the cops think they have probable cause they can do as they d**n well please and a locked gate won't stop them. They don't need your permission to enter your property if they are on a call (like if a neighbor calls them) or like I said before, they have probable cause. Ie: Think minors are drinking, smell pot, hear gunfire (or get reports of such)

    Sorry dude, you may just not want to take the chance if you are going to have something to hide.

  3. No if they are there on a complaint/investigation no just locking the gate won't do.  If you are worried about the neighbors talk to them before you have the party(s) and see were they stand

  4. It sounds like you're hiding something, or that there will be more than the ole beer bong at the party. If you're having a social get-together, you shouldn't be concerned about the police, but you sound like you're having a balls-to-the-wall, all out, get drunk, naked and hope the cops don't show up party, and since you said 20ish- I'm assuming you're going to have underage people there too. However, to answer your question, no you can't just "lock your gate" - if your neighbors call in ref to noise or a loud party they will come to the residence and speak with the homeowner whether that person comes to the front door or they have to come around the back.  

  5. What if the police are there for another matter (ie. death notification of a family member, your stolen vehicle was recovered, one of your guests got too drunk and starting assaulting people, etc...)?  

    A couple of years ago I had a call where a person was a possible victim of identity theft, but they had the no trespassing signs (especially police) on their driveway.

    I just walked away.  After all, I don't want to violate that person's rights...

    So, it can go both ways.

  6. If the police have probable cause to enter the property, they will enter the property.  Period.  A locked gate could easily become a broken gate.

    Unfortunately, noise is not stopped by a mere fence, as in your loud stereo.

  7. Heres the best bet.

    Talk to your neighbors and let them know whats up.  If your neighbors are cool with it, the police are cool with it.  As long as we're not getting calls to shut it down, we won't bother you. It's that simple.

    To address the gate; I would simply write a report and let the DA decide if they wanted to prosecute you/homeowner.  I would also contact the neighbor that called in to complain and let them know I couldn't do anything and that he needs to take care of his @$$hole neighbors himself.

    Were some officers so inclined (disrespected by you), time permitting, they would hang out and take DUIs as they leave and write cites as they could.

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