
Logic Puzzle: Two Students and One Teacher?

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Two children close their eyes, while their teacher puts coloured hats on their heads. The teacher has two black hats and one white hat from which to choose. This is what happens when the children open their eyes:

Teacher: What is the colour of your hat?

Student A (red hat): I can't tell.

If you are Student B, how can you tell the colour of your hat?




  1. Student B cannot tell the color of his hat, there will still be 2 black hats and one white hat left, as the red hat came out of nowhere.  The only answer is that there is a (2/3) chance that the hat is black, and a (1/3) chance that the hat is white. So if you are Student B, you can only have a lucky guess.  Your hat might as well be blue ;)

  2. Since the teacher has two black hats and one white hat, she could have placed either a white hat on Student B or a black hat on Student B.  If she (the teacher) placed a white hat on Student B, Student A would see the white hat and would know that she (Student A) must have a black hat on (since there is only one white hat).

    But student A was not able to deduce what hat she had on and so Student B must have had a black hat on.

  3. for student B: you could tell by the lighting of the room that you are in because the light that you see goes through the material of the hat, passed your eye lids so you may be able to deppict what color your hat is. and with the teacher it's a simple problem that has to do with probability and the probability of getting a black hat is greater then getting a white one because there is more black hats then white.

  4. wtf where did a red hat come from.

    And it's cause the other child knew that the first had a black cause he saw it so he didn't know if he had the black or white. If the first had a white, then the dude would have seen it and known he had a black

  5. the other student cannot tell means that he saw a black hat on your head, because if he saw a white, then surely he had a black one ( there is only one white.

    then you look at the other student hat, if it is black then your is white and vice verse

  6. This question doesn't make any sense.

    Where did the red hat come in? Which student did the teacher ask?

    If Student A is wearing a white hat then student B would have to be wearing a black hat and vice versa. If Student A is wearing a Black hat then the chances that Student B is wearing black or white is fifty-fifty.  

  7. Student A probably saw that Student B had a black hat on, which is why he couldn't tell. If Student B was wearing white, then A would know he's wearing black. Therefore B's wearing a black hat, too.

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