
Logically how exactly should human rights be conferred? ?

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Read my response to Eleanor then Sam.

The accurate analogy would be some third party representing the man plugs someone into you in which case they have committed an action not the person who was plugged into you.

Plus that analogy only actually works in the case of rape anyway which is a circumstantial reason for abortion to be justified. Think we've been over this lol

If the mother has consented to the s*x it's like you saying I'll willingly plug you into me.




  1. The foetus is alive and should have all human rights proffered to it (unless Feminists deem otherwise).  For Feminists are the preeminent  authorities on all matters related to medicine, physiology, pathophysicology, etc.  Pluse they are smartter than everyone else (or so their handbook says).

  2. If it is true that an embryo is a human being, then please show me the law that grants human beings the right to physically live off another person.  I do not have to right to attach myself to you and withdraw nutrients from you, or risk your health and life, and neither does a foetus, whether it is a human being or not  :-)

  3. Like you stated this is your opinion. Foetuses are foetuses without  the ability to breath on their own until the final weeks of pregnancy. They are potential humans.

    It's true they would become humans if they are born normally, but terminating the pregnancy stops this. That's what a termination means: preventing something that may be, rather than something that is.

    Your problem is a weak philosophy of human rights based on the idea that humans and potential humans are sacred. Deny your religious moral basis, but even if you are not religious this is the basis of that morality and it is not universal or inalienable.

    Abortion can be abused, but it can also save lives and prevent other problems.

    Direct your efforts to the world's pressing problems affecting the living rather than armchair philosophing.

    edit - You like using phrases like "straw man" to try and make it seem as though your argument has an immovable basis.

    I said even if you are not religious, your morality is a product of christianity/Islam.

    Abortion is indeed a drastic measure, but it either happens illegally or legally as a medical intervention. Now you might not agree with that, but all your caterwauling about 'rights' won't change it.

    If you are willing to allow animal culls you need an argument to PROVE that humans are mre worthy or sacred or deserve more protection. If you don't bang on about how children die through bad economics, you need to reorganise your priorities.

    edit - Homicide is not the termination of a pregnancy, i.e. a foetus rather than a human.

    You mistake is equating the two based on your opinion that abortion is the same as murder. This is a self-referring argument.

    Give up philosophy Douchey, you're no good at it. And it's getting repetitive.

    edit - I'm bored now. You keep on calling a foetus a human being. If you do that, there's no movement. Go through the rest of your life believing this, I couldn't give a monkey's.

    You say I play the man not the ball, but so do you, only hiding your references indirectly using "straw man". My edits stop here.

    Ha! Your favourite gambit: claiming no-one can rebut your hard-headedness. Your self-belief is admirable, but delusional. The reason people give it up is because there's no reasoning with with an ideologue.

  4. I believe 'humanity' begins when the capacity for mental consciousness begins. The necessary brain connections for this are not in place until around the 26th week of development. I also believe that a human being should be capable of existing without depending physically on another human being to be considered a separate entity.

    Honestly, can't you come up with another question? This one is getting old.

    Lol, is that Douchey? In that case it's even older.


    Newborn babies do not depend physically upon one specific person. They are capable of physically existing by themselves. As Eleanor B said, the mother-embryo/foetus relationship is the equivalent of someone plugging themselves into another person.

    Well, that depends on how you view s*x and morality and is your opinion. My opinion is that a person does not consent to having a baby when they have s*x. I've read your response to Eleanor and I still think she is right here :-)

  5. Human rights are not conferred. Everyone is born with the same human rights, it is always merely a question of whether or not they will be able to access them.

    Cheers :-)

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