
Logically speaking, if God is immaterial then how can he do anything?

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Logically speaking, if God is immaterial then how can he do anything?




  1. Logic isn't allowed on this message board.

    Andrew: Love isn't immaterial. It's chemical.

  2. sorry for stealing your paragraph D: if you didnt read the info i put back on the post

    credits go to you!

  3. love is immaterial, yet it is the force which guides millions of people each day

    Master: Fail

    Mary-Kate Olsen is immaterial, but creepy old guys perv on her pictures each day

  4. Gravity is also immaterial..

  5. That is one of those basic ontological questions concerning God that a child might ask, but most adult would think "silly" - in other word, too difficult to answer so just dismissed and forgotten.

    You'll probably get a lot of appeals to divine mystery on this one.

    BTW, those who stated gravity is immaterial need to go back to their physics books - and love is not immaterial either since it exists as a physical state that corresponds to a mental state.

  6. right now he works through others until he returns as the messiah

  7. Gravity is a force, inmaterial, and does lots of things.

    Not much up there, eh?  

  8. Dear Friend,

    How can u say that GOD is immaterial??

    GOD is a concept which has created mankind, this earth, sun, trees, planets, water and everything visible or non-visible (i.e. air, demons and angels, h**l and heaven etc). If there is a power which we all believe in and that has created all this universe, why can't it be seen??

    Now, I ask you a question. Who gave you birth?? Your Mother and Father right! If you can see the creator of your physical body, i.e. your Father and Mother, then why can't you see the creator of your soul and this whole universe. In fact, it is the birth right of every human being to see GOD!!

    You can see your parents thru your physical eyes, right! But GOD can't be seen by these Physical eyes! There is a third eye that is needed to be opened in order to see the GOD. Just like butter is there in the milk itself, but it can only be extracted thru a special process, as is fire is present in wood, but there is a special process needed to bring it out, i.e. rubbing it. That is how GOD can only be seen thru third eye or divine eye which is present in every human being.

    That third eye can be opened by a perfect master only!

    Now the good news, you can see GOD too. Visit

    Or if u want to ask any more questions, u r most welcome!!...Good Luck... :-)

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