
Logically speaking: Shouldn't life really begin when?

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a massive cluster of cells can get a job?

Aren't these unemployed non-people who we call "kids" merely hosts on an innocent person/couple until the time they can support themselves?

Logically speaking, doesn't Casey Anthony have the right to change her mind on whether or not she wants a little unemployed non-person to continue to host off her?

Why are we still in the dark ages on this woman's rights issue anyway?

I'm Atheist! xD




  1. "Pardon me, miss.  I hope I am not being too forward.  I could not help but to notice you from across the room.  Do you mind if I buy you a drink?"

    Zap.  Life begins right there.  Enjoy.  Enjoy responsibly, but enjoy.

  2. I can only hope  your avatar is the real you, and maybe one day you will move out of your parent's basement and maybe get to kiss a real girl. Logically speaking you are the poster child supporting coat hangar abortions. Yeah...pretty much got **** for brains there buddy.

  3. Perhaps mommy should have thought about that before she spread her legs. Maybe daddy should have thought about that before bringing Mr. Willy out to play. Maybe you are an a$$hole.

  4. It's not a parents choice whether the let their child live or not. It's their responsibility to see to it they do their best so that you do. We should not determine whether another human life has the right to live or not based on our own selfish needs. 99% of the time, a child is conceived through the consent of the mother. If they are single, it is just the consequences of their choice. Just because you have a body inside you, does not mean that it is your body, your choice. It means that in nine months, you will have another life that you will be responsible for, but it is not yours to dispose of.

  5. Arent you glad that your mother gave you a chance?  During the depression if our grandparents thought the same way as you, none of us would be here.

  6. If that were the case you wouldn't be considered a life but rather an unemployed lump of cells in your mom's basement.

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