
Lol, Where'd all the Arsenal fans go?

by  |  earlier

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When Spurs mess up you are all over us. Now what? You guys are pathetic.

And please don't change the subject, admit you aren't so hot either, you scraped a win with West Brom, now lost to Fulham




  1. here...why would we hide...that would make us look like cowards which were NOT! hiding is for idiots! anyway.u can say all u want i mean we say things about the spurs so u have a aright to sy things to us...honestly it doesn't affect me or my fellow fans!

  2. I admit it we was f***ing s**t. Absolutely awful. Hull city beat Fulham 4 f**ks sake. 1st defeat of many for us this season. Time 4 Wenger to go I think. I mean, Silvestre, WOT THE F**K.

  3. Unless we buy a top class Keeper u guys r going to laughat us forever.

  4. HAHA, you sure do hate Arsenal, what a typical Spurs fan!

    Arsenal should give up hope winning anything, did you know that bookies are giving away free arsenal shirts if you bet on them to win the premier league title.

    Which just shows how Arsenal has no chance of winning, you Arsenal fans are pathetic, look at how Nani messed you lot up!

  5. Surprised the Arsenal fans aren't blaming it on injuries...

  6. Here[?] Btw it's Saturday so that could be a reason.

    Darn we had to lose :((

  7. Hidding!  

  8. where do you mean where did we go?

    you are go to bed

    at least we admit that we sucked whereas you wont admit that you wont be finishing in the top 4 this season

  9. have a star.. cos i doubt many arsenal fans will give you one lmfao..

  10. Pathetic? you're a mug mate! some of us actually go to the game and don't just talk about it after watching tv.

    scrapped a win with west brom? we could have been five up by half time, at least we scrapped a win then, your expensive bunch of losers have lost twice, i suppose sunderland are a top side to have beat a club that spends 70 million on players every seasion, and flogs them for half the price the following season.

  11. To the Mexican soccer section, Nah im jk

  12. I didnt see the game so i wouldnt know what to say ahh wth it doesnt matter to me haha i would have been pissed if i didnt go to work just to see them lose but we will be back its early in teh season

  13. They've transformed into ostriches and have buried their heads in the sand from shame.

  14. I m right here mate, and i admit we were not so hot either, but unlike you we didn't mess up, we were in mess right from the beginning. no denying it.

    still m positive, the urgency shown was too little and too late, but at least we are hopeful

    c'mon Arsenal, get fit and get going.

    i wish you  guys luck too.  

  15. I'm right here!

    But your question clearly indicates that you are hypocritical

    You imply that we are hypocrites because we apparently laugh at Spurs and now we are hiding.

    But surely you are being a hypocrite as you say we are bad for laughing at Spurs, and then you laugh at us.


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