
Lol, more new zealand weirdness?

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Haha, I am laugfing so much. Got home to watch the news and the top story is about a police man who drew a swatstika in a visiters book, lol.

This country is so funny but I love it!

Any one else had some weird kiwi expericances




  1. Just for a joke some newspaper here (NZ) ran a story saying Shrek had been barbecued.  All the animal lovers went apeshit.

  2. I loved it when Shrek the sheep made headline news as he had evaded the shearers for 6 years or so.

    When they eventually got a hold of him they sheared him and sold the wool giving all the money to charity.

    Then Sherk the sheep got to travel to Wellington and meet the Primeminister.

    Only in NZ, I love it here!

  3. Unfortunately, I didn't have a 'weird kiwi experience' while reading your question, or while reading most of the responses, because, from my personal experience living in kiwiland, A LOT of NZer's are racist (lack tack and respect for difference).

    The swastika has such a disgusting history to it that only an...(well, I don't even know what to call a person who laughs at something SOOOO inappropriate) but you disgust me....

    It's unbelievable, sad and disgusting to see that people are so sick that they find it funny when 9 million people are tortured and murdered. ( )

  4. One of my colleagues recently told me this story:

    A friend of the family went for a walk along a lonely beach in Nelson, NZ, and as he was walking along, a sheep fell from a cliff and landed on the poor guy, killing him instantly.

    Now, I thought, "whoa! How random, stuff like that never happens twice in a century" - until last week, when I drove to work, along the bottom of a cliff, and a sheep fell down the cliff and crashed into the ditch to my left. Man did I feel weird for the rest of the day.

    Today, me and my wife were driving along the same road, and talking about that sheep, and what did we see? Another sheep, which had just fallen from the cliff. Hello?? I know it's lambing season. But "Lemming Season?" How weird. Please stop jumping off those cliffs, lemmings/ sheep...

    Hope that was weird enough for you? True, too. Swearing every oath.

  5. Haha!! Isn't it great to live in NZ!

    I can't really think of anything else 'weird' because I'm so use to living here now lol.

    EDIT- To the forth answer- Shrek also went out on the ice burgs off the Otago Coast haha!!

  6. Well I think it was weird the coppers leaning up agaist 'pumpkin's' mums car writing notes when the poor women was in the boot dead.  Why didn't they check the car before hand for crying out loud?  it was right outside their house.

    Sorry - it's a serious matter and I feel so bad for the little girl.  Hope they catch the prick soon.

    - -- -   oh but what about the Aussies who wanted to get married on that huge iceberg off the coast (South Island) last year.  What a hoot.

  7. If you find that funny you got a sick sense of humour. I missed the joke clue me in....from USA

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